InterACT, a group blog by educators in California, recently shared a post by guest-writer Lynne Formigli, an NBCT and active teacher leader. Formigli summarizes the situation which resulted after three billion dollars (over eight years) had to be funneled directly to nearly 500 struggling schools as a result of a lawsuit against then-governor Schwarzenegger. (Read Lynne's post for more articulate and thorough explanation.)
The use of that money (now a few years into the eight year plan), as implied by Formigli, was apparently teacher or at least locally directed, and the results were powerful. These results included evidence to support what teachers often promote: class size matters significantly to the learners who are statistically "left behind."
This information ought to resonate all throughout the country as states face the tough budget decisions about public education. Decision makers need to hear this:
- It isn't just about teacher pay, it is about paying for teachers.
- When there are more teachers, classes are smaller, and that is proven to result in greater student learning.
- When teachers are cut, schools are left with no other choice but to increase class sizes and do the exact opposite of what data proves is best for student learning.
- Sure, everyone has to tighten the belt a little–but few choices will have as long lasting repercussions as choices about a child's education.
I really encourage you to take a look at InterACT and read Lynne's post and other posts by the teacher-leaders there.