This meme was sent by Teacher in a Strange Land – what is it that I really want policy makers to know before they draft legislation that impacts my classroom?
- My students are not trends, statistics, numbers, or stereotypes. They are complex human beings, each with their own story that includes unique and special circumstances that contribute to their performance in school and their ability to achieve.
- Likewise, I am not a machine that can spew out canned curriculum at a set pace. I am a Professional , dedicated, heart and soul, to educating our youth and making this world a little bit more understandable to them. In order to do that, I have to know them, their abilities, and their interests.
- Punishing “low-performing schools” is not going to help them achieve at a higher level. Financially rewarding high-performing schools is simply helping the rich get richer and the poor stay poor.
- One of the prime factors in failing schools is almost never addressed – transience and absenteeism. More focus needs to be put on helping the transient population become more stable and getting kids to school on a regular basis. The schools that end up having to account for these kids at WASL time (when they frequentloy don’t even show up for the test) should be given special consideration.
- Educational policy should be written by educators who understand all of the above (and everything else that will come as a response to this meme) – not by legislators whose main experience in public education was the thirteen years they spent from kindergarten through their senior year.