On Fridays, I pick my sons up from school at 12:45 pm. It is a partial day. What is done with the rest of the day connects back to Thursday's post.
To get the superb integration and teaming that goes on at MLC, the school has worked their schedule in such a way that every Friday is a partial day. How does this work out with scheduling of X# of school days and teacher contract hours? I do not know. But, it is obvious that it can work out and not knowing HOW should not be a reason to not take a step to make your own school a unique school, tailored to meet the needs of its own population. Remember, one size does not fit all–common statement among districts in opening of the year speeches. However, have you noticed that most schools have little difference in how they run and operate?
But I digress.
Fridays are used at MLC to work in grade clusters. For example, my sons are in the KX3 cluster where kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade teachers plan their lessons and goals.
At MLC, it is clear that the teachers team, that this time is used. This time allows for teachers to build better, stronger programs. This time allows for teachers to build collegiality and go from first order changes–schedule, mission statements–to second order changes–building a learning community.
Friday makes me think of how schools should change to meet the needs of their unique populations and how districts, more so, should allow schools to do such "on site" leading. I think of how the issue should not be HOW can we change our schools to meet the needs, but WHAT should our schools look like. Sadly, in most school systems, visionaries get stopped by the HOW-people who say it cannot be done because of bus schedules; other schools; programs; it was never like that; and the list goes on.
Let's each take a look at our school and find one way to better address the student population and make that a way to improve the school.
Recap of the WEEK:
MONDAY: How can you create a community within your school?
TUESDAY: How can you get the most flexibility out of the school?
WEDNESDAY: How can you use existing resources?
THURSDAY: How can you integrate and team with others in your school?
FRIDAY: How can the structure of your school be reworked to better address its population?