It was a rainy Monday morning, not too unlike other mornings in the northwest, as I took my sons to school. Today was Monday and so with it came the "All School Gathering". My sons attend Metropolitan Learning Center. This is a K-12 school with about 425 students. MLC is unique and has shown that it can be successful by being unique and placing first what matters most–students. For this week, I will briefly describe one salient point from the day. Hopefully we can take some of these successes and use them in our own schools.
Monday brings with it the "All School Gathering". This gathering does not happen every week and is often decided upon by the staff for when the school needs it. The gathering happens about twice a month. At gathering, each class sits as a group, but sits among all of the class, thereby making one, large group. During this time, each class has a moment to share what they are learning or an important idea or thought with the whole school. The staff will also discuss things that are important to the school.
As a parent and teacher, MLC is a model school for showing that one size does not have to fit all; that schools can be unique and run the way that they know is best and still show great success. In this test driven form of education we seem to be unwillingly put, that all aspects of schools are suffering, and, as a result, are becoming more and more similar as they move toward the teach-to-the-test side of the spectrum.