Out of My Hands…

I teach middle school in the upper reaches of NE Washington. In our district, let’s just say there are a certain number of families where the belief is that Scientific Theories are “just theories…” and “scientist are always changing their minds on stuff – why should we believe in them at all?” Both of these widely held and openly expressed sentiments are easily corrected in my classroom with lessons on the definition of scientific theory and the nature of science being that of change. Yet, with the words, “My grandpa says you’re a liar. There is no climate change – it is just the weather,” blurted out from a freckle-faced middle-schooler ringing in my mind, it does not always feel a real easy space and place for the exploration of evolution, carbon footprints, and the beginning of a Universe based on physics.

For a long time, I viewed my predicament of trying to teach the more politicized aspects of science education as just that…a predicament. I approached this quandary in a myriad of ways – mostly reflective of my own growth as a science educator. In my early years, I only briefly touched on the topics, hoping students would know just enough to do well on the test, but not place so much importance on them as to have students go home and start a discussion with their families on the topics…which would (egads!) become a conflict between myself and the parents.

Eventually, I realized that teaching biology without a deeper understanding of the adaptability of genetics over time, learning about climates without understanding the interplay between humans and our atmosphere, or never addressing the most mind-blowing question of, “What was here before what was here?” was hollow learning at best and a disservice to my students, my community and ultimately our nation as a whole at its worst. My students, all of our students, will be the next generation of voters deciding the fate of our populous; a fate more and more tied to a clear understanding of the sciences.

For these reasons, I am so very grateful and appreciative of both our state’s adoption of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and its continuing support of these standards. In a technical sense, these standards provide clear frameworks for teachers to know what they are expected to teach; the Theory of Evolution, Climate Change, the Big Bang Theory, and much more. The standards are well-crafted, with concepts building one upon another over the course of a K-12 education and resulting in a fact-based understanding of the Big Ideas of Science. All are threaded throughout by a need for inquiry-based learning and exploration of the topics; an eloquent design resulting in solid scientific literacy.

Not only that, but actual FUNDING is coming through the pipeline in support of full implementation of the standards in our state! For instance, our state’s 2018 budget has created Science Standards Pro Learning Funding, which provides grants to school districts and educational service districts to support professional learning in the Next Generation Science Standards. This funding is designed to be in direct support of training on climate change literacy.

Yet, the impact of these standards is far more powerful and subtle for many rural educators. These standards EMPOWER science teachers to teach science. In essence, I am not “choosing” to teach these topics to “ruin” the morals of children or divide the community, as per messages scribbled to me from a parent on a progress report. No, I am required to teach these topics and my feet are held to the fire to do so by Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science. I can no longer shy away from the science topics I know may cause an issue because our school will be impacted by low tests scores. I simply must teach them.

It is out of my hands…and now in the minds of our next generation of citizens.

5 thoughts on “Out of My Hands…

  1. Robyn Jordan

    Standards as a worthy scapegoat – fantastic! What a tough position you’re in; thanks for being in the heat, for the sake of deep Science understanding.

  2. Jan Kragen

    On the other hand, I have a fun exercise I used to do with multiple science textbooks in elementary school science. I asked the students to break up into groups with different books for each group and had them answer the same questions: what are the layers of the earth, how deep is each layer, what is the temperature of each layer, and what is each layer made of?

    Then we made a chart to compare the information. Most of the books agreed on the number and depths of the layers. But there were some pretty interesting differences when it came to temperature and make-up of the individual layers.

    Finally I pulled out my college text book. In it, the opening words regarding the layers of the earth were, “we don’t know.”

    So often publishers for children feel the need to act as if science has solved all mysteries, when in fact we are still learning new things all the time. Just go see the exhibits at Dry Falls State Park!

  3. Gretchen Cruden

    Hi Lynne and Mandy,

    Thank you for your comments. Teaching truly does change the world one student at a time. I guess when I started this grand adventure so many years ago, I did not realize the social impacts I would have as well. Can’t say that I mind helping mold the future….

    Love teaching!

  4. Mandy Manning

    I was just visiting a community in the SE region of the state. As I was touring the middle school, my host and I met a science teacher. She relayed to us an incident that had just happened in her class. A student made a statement about evolution being a myth. She told us about her response, explaining to the student that science is based on theory which is backed up by evidence and facts and that evolution is not a myth. She then told my host to be on the alert for a call from a parent. It was both heartbreaking and heartwarming. I appreciate the strength and tenacity of science teachers. Thanks for this, Gretchen.

  5. Lynne Olmos

    Keep up the good work, Gretchen. In these small communities, teachers can have such a positive impact on the community. Your students will be the voice and votes of the future.

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