I like to poke around on the New York Times website. Mostly I like to read about food, as in the article I mention in my previous post. For those of you who also like to read about food – good food, not junk food and obese kids – let me steer you towards this lovely piece on Thomas Keller and the meal he served his father right before his father died. But my post today is not about barbeque chicken. It's about books, and how the school libraries of the future may not have as many of them as they do now.
Today as I was poking around during lunch, enjoying the world the internet brings to my face and fingertips, I came across this piece in the New York Times about schools eliminating books in their libraries. Books are heavy, expensive, and they're quickly outdated when you want them to be meaningful reference materials. Just because I love books doesn't mean libraries have to be filled with them, right? Anyway, I get most of my news online. I'm writing online now. Online is efficient and free! Who needs books?