To steal from Tom’s post a few days ago, I too wonder “How I did” this school year. Since my evaluation was likewise “satisfactory,” I thought I’d consider the question how a state government might: through test scores.
Colorado has joined with a few other states (Florida and New York are among those with plans in motion) to tie a teacher’s continued employment directly to test scores. It appears that student test scores must comprise “at least fifty percent” of the evaluative criteria for teacher tenure and retention. If improvement is not sustained, a teacher can lose tenure and risks being fired. That would certainly align with an “unsatisfactory” review…potentially sparked by poor test scores.
As I read the article, it stated clearly the bill calls for teachers to demonstrate student growth. I’m not familiar with the Colorado assessment system, and a half hour of wading through the web didn’t net me many answers. I’m a skeptic of that word growth, however. Something tells me we’re not talking about a preassessment in September and a postassessment in June, which is the only kind of assessment of growth I’d feel comfortable tying to teacher pay and continued employment. The old argument of comparing apples to apples is key. If we’re comparing apples to oranges, then ready the court for appeals.*
In a once-a-year test situation, how can growth be assessed? Let’s trace it out and play the how I did game by considering my students’ performance on the recent High School Proficiency Exams (HSPE) in reading and writing and previous years’ Washington Assessment of Student Learning (WASL) tests.