From I Don’t Know How to Protect You Anymore to Don’t Make Me a Soldier to the #ArmMeWith hashtags, teachers clearly want to be involved in the conversation about making our schools safer—and we don’t want to carry a gun.
After one especially long day, my husband tweeted out this….
And within hours over 300 replies from across the country (note the themes). Here are some of the tweets:
- Tape
- I need so much tape
- An internet filter that doesn’t violate the free speech rights of my students researching current topics
- Tissues
- Tape
- A pencil sharpener that is industrial strength
- Scissors that stand up to repeatedly cutting cardboard
- More guidance counselors and instructional coaches
- Thumbtacks, field trips, 40 hour work weeks
- Tape
- Granola bars and vegetables
- A psychologist
- A counseling team and a separate registration team
- Tape
- A stapler that won’t run away in less than a week
- Enough SPED teachers
- Pencils, lots of pencils
- When I was a SPED teacher in a Behavior Support room, I needed good Reading Curriculum.
- A gun in the room would not help ever
- Copier, copier, copier, a classroom that’s warmer than 58 degrees, toner, copier
- Mold free rooms and leak proof ceilings
- Some tape?
- Internet that works in more than two classrooms at a time
- A pencil sharpner that lasts more than a school year
- A roof that doesn’t leak
- More than a class set of whatever novel we’re reading
- Support for kids who are most “At-risk”
- Whiteboard markers for students
- Counselors. Glue sticks that don’t dry up.
- A book budget
- Enough copy paper to last the year
- Hand soap
- I don’t mean to sound greedy but a really sturdy 3-hole punch would be amazing
- Real food that is cooked at school, not USDA prepacked food that tastes gross and isn’t healthy
- Bathroom breaks
- More markers!
- Classroom Autonomy
- Professional development
- Tape
- Lead-free water fountains, soft lights in classrooms, and markers, lots of markers
- Increased salaries for all teachers and support staff, more counselors, a lunch break.
- More than 3 min to pee
- Cameras that were functional, heat and AC that worked.
- Money to buy food for my students who have little at home
- New books
- Tape
- I’d like to have the rodent situation death with. And my office to be checked for mold.
- A reliable pencil sharpner
- Shoes for the kids who don’t have them
- Enough counselors/social workers
- More tissues
- You got a copier?