The first time I tried taking a practice Smarter Balanced assessment I almost lost my mind. I was overwhelmed by the user interface, which required me to scroll up and down through a long skinny column of text. I was defeated by my inability to mark up the text, see the questions and text at the same time, and the test's awkward expansion tab which allowed me to widen the text's column but then prevented me from seeing the questions. With a big knot of anxiety in my stomach, a headache, and a sense of failure I shut it down without answering even the first question.
When this video went viral, I cheered the student's every word. Yes, I thought, this has all gotten out of hand! But then I remembered how much I really liked both the Common Core and its intent – that every student in the country be held to the same high standards. I like the standards, and I like how well they're aligned from K-12, so I decided to try the SB assessment again and guess what? It's a good test.