Technology: Tools or Toys?

Appleii-systemBy Mark

I am lucky enough to teach half of my work day in a program which provides my 45 English 9 students each with desktop computer for their using during my class time. We do research, write compositions, use tech toys like prezi and PowerPoint and animoto (and blogs), and we aim squarely for the kind of discerning 21st century multiliteracy that is all the rage, and supposedly the necessity.

I project my computer screen to help facilitate instruction from bell to bell. I use my doc cam and my smartboard. I keep my students informed on my class website where I post video clips, youtube links, prezi lectures, and assignment resources.

I tell myself that all this makes my life easier. I know that I'm lucky, of course, and I am not complaining, but I wonder about the role and place of technology in education. And I wonder if maybe I'm faced with too much of a good thing.

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Searching for Mr./Ms. Right

Mr.mrs right
By Rob

Me: Teacher- youngish, energetic, and looking for new perspectives. You: an inspiration- must be willing to share ideas and be a good listener. Let’s build a relationship based on good intentions, trust, and a common vision.

Earlier this month Diane Ravitch spoke on school reform at Town Hall Seattle. Her message to a friendly audience was a critique of the “corporate reform movement.” It was a mix of motivating rhetoric, valid points, and verbal grenades. Her positions concerning Race to the Top, NCLB, merit pay, the use of student assessment data to evaluate teachers match my own. I appreciate she is speaking on my behalf.

A week before Ravitch’s visit to Seattle Michelle Rhee spoke at Boston Symphony Hall. I can only assume her speech was equal to Ravitch’s in passion but opposite in perspective. I expect someone in the audience found her perspectives matched their own and they are thankful she is speaking on his or her behalf.

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Charter Schools, Part 3

New-york-cityBy Tom

In my first of this three-part series I discussed the need to do something better in our most impoverished neighborhood schools. In the second post I described what I saw in several high-performing New York City charter schools. In this post I’m going to tackle the question of whether Washington State should allow charter schools.

This question has come up before. In fact, Washington has voted down charter schools three times so far, following high-profile campaigns which basically pitted pro-charter groups against the Washington Education Association, our state’s largest teachers’ union.

The union’s opposition to charter schools, as I understand it, boils down to this: charter schools take jobs from union members, they compete unfairly with traditional public schools, and they undermine those schools by “skimming off” the more motivated students from those schools.

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“Do”ing Life

By Tamara

A couple of posts ago the issue of students and their families being ready for and knowing how to “do” school was raised. Working in a title school it is easy to see daily example of this lack of preparedness for school. Especially in the area of discipline. Like many title schools the discipline issue in my building has been an ongoing source of frustration for quite some time.

Our new principal has been working to tackle it with mixed results. She spoke to this in a staff meeting recently and her observations triggered an “aha moment” for me. She talked about how we as the adults expect these children to recognize the cause and effect relationship their behaviors and actions can trigger. Yet, my principal pointed out, few of our “repeat offenders” have any concept of cause and effect as it relates to their actions. At home it doesn’t matter what they do or don’t do, their needs (be they physical or emotional) continue to go unmet. It doesn’t matter if they behave/don’t behave, someone is going to continue to hit or hurt them. So when they get to school, she pointed out, our asking them to see their behavior and its consequences in the light of cause and effect has no meaning. So her approach whenever possible has been to use her time with that child to discuss recognizing cause and effect as a skill to manage their behavior and then send them back to class in order to practice that skill. My principal acknowledged that sending students back to class is often not what the teacher wants or needs. But she made a strong case by pointing out that these children need a place and opportunity to practice behavior management skills that they will not get at home. Like it or not, reality dictates we are that place.

After listening to my principal explain her approach to discipline in light of her observations led me to the conclusion that we are derelict in our duty to children if we do not point out cause and effect relationships in their behaviors and allow them to practice the skill of recognizing it, just as we would be derelict if we did not teach them the skills necessary for reading or computation. Is it time consuming? Yes. Is it hard? Yes. But until we can help them learn to manage themselves, neither they or the other children in class are going to learn academic skills or how to “do” life.

Charter Schools, Part 2

New_york_cityBy Tom

Emerging from the subway tunnel in Harlem, I had two questions in my mind:

1. Were charter schools really as good as the hype, and if so, why?

2. Could they work in Washington?

I’ll address the first question in this post. I’ll discuss the next a little later this week.

Some background: I was invited earlier this month by the League of Education Voters to join a fact-finding tour of several charter schools in Harlem and The Bronx. Our goal was to learn about successful charter schools in order to inform the conversation about whether or not to allow them in Washington State.

After our breakfast at the New York City Charter School Center, a resource that helps start and sustain charter schools in New York City, we were toured Harlem Success Academy and Kappa International High School (not actually a charter school; more of a high-expectation “choice school”) On the following day we saw KIPP Charter School and Green Dot charter school.

Although I’ve never been a big fan of charter schools, I was determined to keep an open mind and see for myself what these places were all about. I had even done my homework: I read Diane Ravitch’s The Death and Life of the Great American School System as well as Steven Brill’s Class Warfare. (He loves charter schools; she doesn’t.)

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Turning the Corner

Mayan_calendarBy Mark

For me, mentally, the coming December holiday break marks the "half-way" point in the school year. While this is not necessarily chronologically true, it is certainly emotionally true.

Back when I was a pre-service teacher, I remember seeing a chart like this one that graphs a first-year teacher's motivation and emotion over the calendar year–with November and December being the pit of disillusionment–but don't despair, rejuvenation and hope are just around the corner!

Ten years later, I feel like the chart still applies to me. It is always in November and December that I wander the web to see what other kinds of jobs my credentials and dispositions might match.

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What NBCTs Mean for Washington

As our way to recognize and celebrate the National Board score release this weekend, our NBCT/Bloggers shared a bit about what being a National Board Certified Teacher has meant for them, and for our state. The process of becoming National Board Certified involves hundreds of planning hours and demonstrating best practices in teaching. Those who recently certified had an additional stress of a delay in score results due to a computer server glitch.

With the glitch solved, and over a thousand new NBCTs to join them in Washington state, we offer our congratulations and invite you to read on and be inspired by what our bloggers have said about how being National Board Certified is making a difference for teachers in our state.

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By Tamara


In our district every week we have a late start day so that teachers and administration can participate in collaboration. Some weeks it’s by grade level, some by content area, and some, as whole staff. Quick disclaimer: as a whole I think my district has one of the more progressive and supportive approaches to collaboration in the state.  Recently as a whole staff we spent an hour essentially being told we didn’t really know how to teach. And here are some strategies to fix that. Keep in mind we have nine National Board Certified teachers on our staff. Nonetheless, our instructional coaches, principal, and area director, loaded us up with strategies and formative assessments (because, it was implied, we aren’t developing or making use of those) they used when they were in the classroom that would improve our student’s learning.

Now every one of the strategies presented were good and worthwhile in their own right. The issue was the tone in which they were presented: if you just did these things (because the strategies you are currently using are not increasing MAP/MSP scores sufficiently) students would be learning. No acknowledgement of what teachers are currently doing that is working, no celebration of success.

While the message to a seasoned staff that we have a lot to learn about how to teach is troubling enough, what really bothers me is the attitude that district leadership has about its teachers in light of the new teacher/principal evaluation system coming down the pike 

Both Mark and I have touched on the need for professional development of evaluators in our recent posts about the new teacher/principal evaluation system. I have been optimistic that administrators and teachers would approach this coming change by assuming positive intent from all parties. What I heard recently left me disheartened and worried. If my district is currently working on an assumption of deficit model, the transition to a growth continuum model (even with heavy PD) will be rocky at best, if possible at all.  

Charter Schools, Part 1

Images (1)By Tom

Eighty-eight percent. That's the proportion of freshmen at a large, urban university who had to take remedial courses in math or English before they could start on their regular college-level classes.

In other words, 88% of these college students were not “college ready.”

I learned about this state of affairs at a recent NCATE accreditation visit. I can’t name the specific school (or else NCATE would fire me from a job for which I’m not even paid) but it doesn’t really matter. This is typical in colleges that serve urban, high-needs populations. Their students routinely come from high school with something less than a high school education.

We can take some comfort in the fact that these students probably aren’t the best of the bunch. This was, after all, a second-tier state school. The best high school students in the area presumably went to private colleges or more prestigious public universities. And you’ll also be pleased to know that two years ago, ninety-four percent of the freshmen needed remedial classes. Progress! On the other hand, these are the students who are going to college. Reread that last sentence and think about it for a minute.

No matter where you stand on education reform, you can’t pretend this isn’t a problem. And you have to ask yourself two questions.

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I Got Your Visitor’s Badge Right Here…

Hello-visitor-label-badge1By Kristin

This is what I'm talking about.  These excellent people, quaintly called "millionaires" in the Seattle Times article, as if a million will even buy you a house with a garage in some Seattle neighborhoods, these people who went to Olympia and heroically encouraged legislators to ask the rich to pay more in taxes.

The response from one conservative lobbyist?  "If you want to pay more, just write a check to the federal government."  I wonder what the millionaires thought about that.  Maybe something along the lines of, "Really?  How can you even find the brain cells to spare when tying your shoes in the morning?"  

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