Tag Archives: education

Weekly Legislative Update – March 17, 2023

CSTP Updates

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day! This week lawmakers were back in committees, holding public hearings and executive sessions on bills from the opposite house. After last week’s origin cut-off, legislators find themselves on the downhill side of the legislative session, where the number of bills that remain alive is more manageable, and the amount of time between cut-off dates is shorter. March 29 is the next cut-off, and all bills will need to be passed out of committee, except for fiscal, in the opposite house.

At this point of the session, we are also expecting to hear details from lawmakers regarding budget proposals: Operations, Capital and Transportation. Budget negotiations occur largely behind closed doors, but we will be sure and update budget information as we learn it. Last Thursday, Governor Inslee held a media conference at the state capitol, referencing budget hopes and proposals and highlighting his priorities for 2023-2025 as well. 

Education Committee Hearings for Next Week on TVW.org

House Education Committee:

  • Monday, March 20 at 1:30 p.m.
  • Tuesday, March 21 at 4:00 p.m.
  • Thursday, March 23 at 8:00 a.m

Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee:

  • Monday, March 20 at 1:30 p.m.
  • Wednesday, March 22 at 1:30 p.m.
  • Thursday, March 23 at 1:30 p.m.

House Bills

2SHB 1013: which would require OSPI and Washington ESDs to jointly establish a regional apprenticeship pilot program with one site each in Eastern and Western Washington (hearing time: 6:18). The bill is in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee.

SHB 1015: which revises minimum employment requirements for paraeducators (hearing time: 5:39). The bill is in the Senate Rules Committee.

ESHB 1057: which would provide a benefit increase to certain retirees of the public employees’ retirement system plan 1 and the teachers’ retirement system plan 1. The bill is in the Senate Rules Committee.

SHB 1109: which would provide additional special education funding to school districts in order to increase initial evaluations during summers (hearing time: 1:17). The bill is in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee and scheduled for executive session on March 20.

SHB 1113: which would require the Professional Educator Standards Board (PESB) to adopt rules for reviewing and vacating reprimands issued to certificated professional educators (hearing time: 20:08). The bill is in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee.

HB 1146: which would require schools to notify high school students and their families about available dual credit programs and any available financial assistance. The bill is in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee.

SHB 1207: which aims to prevent and respond to harassment, intimidation, bullying, and discrimination in schools through updated policies and procedures. The bill is in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee.

2SHB 1238: which would require K-5 elementary public schools, beginning with the 2024-25 school year, to offer universal free breakfasts and lunches if up to 30% of students at the school qualify for free or reduced lunch (hearing time: 1:15). The bill is in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee. 

ESHB 1277: which would establish rules to improve the consistency and quality of the implementation of the fundamental courses of study for paraeducators (hearing time: 00:37). The bill is in the Senate Rules Committee.

​​HB 1308: which establishes a graduation pathway option that enables students to meet pathway requirements by completing a performance-based learning experience (hearing time: 1:14). The bill is in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee.

2SHB 1316: which would lower dual enrollment program costs for eligible students from $65 to $42.50 per credit by creating a subsidy program, incentivizing reduction of per college credit fees charged to college in the high school students, and revising eligibility for the Running Start (RS) program tuition fee waiver (hearing time: 15:17). The bill is in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee.

2SHB 1332: which would require all school districts to incorporate a tribal sovereignty curriculum into their social studies curricula by September 1, 2023, as well as require districts to consult with the nearest federally recognized Indian tribe(s) about incorporating materials about their history, culture, and government into their social studies curricula by September 1, 2025 (hearing time: 26:26). The bill is in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee.

ESHB 1377: which would require the posting of approved courses and providers of continuing education (hearing time: 11:30). The bill is in the Senate Ways & Means Committee. 

ESHB 1436: which would increase the enrollment limit for special education funding over several years until the 2027-28 school year, when the limit is removed, and would increase special education excess cost multipliers for kindergarten through age 21 over four school years to 1.059 for students who spend at least 80 percent of the school day in a general education setting (hearing time: 23:37). The bill is in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee.

HB 1478: which establishes a statement of student rights for public schools and requires public schools to develop student-focused educational and promotional materials that incorporate the statement and to include the materials into required civics instruction. The bill is in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee.

2SHB 1479: which would prohibit students from being subjected to isolation, mechanical restraint, or chemical restraint by school staff, except for school resource officers under some circumstances, and specifies that existing isolation rooms must remain unlocked, and no new isolation rooms may be created, and, by January 1, 2024, isolation rooms must be removed or repurposed. The bill is in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee.

SHB 1504: which requires public schools, beginning with the 2024-25 school year, to provide daily recess for all students in kindergarten through grade 5, and grade 6 if the students attend an elementary school. The bill is in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee.

2SHB 1550: which would establish the transition to kindergarten program to provide no-charge assistance to eligible children in need of additional preparation to be successful kindergarten students in the following school year. The bill is in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee.

2SHB 1565: which requires the development of an online platform for the recruitment and hiring of public school employees and establishes a teacher residency program (hearing time: 26:57). The bill is in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee.

HB 1622: which aims to support the needs of students experiencing homelessness by aligning program goals, establishing common reporting requirements, and establishing examples of permitted expenditures for the OSPI program (hearing time: 14:38). The bill is in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee.

SHB 1658: which would authorize high school students aged 16 and above to earn up to two elective credits through paid work experience if approval and alignment with the student’s High School and Beyond Plan are met. The bill is in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee.

SHB 1701: which concerns basic education services to youth who are served through institutional education programs (hearing time: 18:52). The bill is in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee.

Senate Bills

SB 5019: which removes “classified staff providing student and staff safety” from the definition of physical, social, and emotional support staff and the specific funding considerations for that group (hearing time: 1:37). The bill has passed out of the House Education Committee. 

SSB 5048: which would require colleges to provide enrollment and registration in College in the High School (CHS) courses at no cost to students in grades 9-12 at public high schools, and would require the legislature to appropriate funds to fund CHS courses, at inflation-adjusted rates. The bill is in the Senate Post Secondary Education & Workforce Committee.

SSB 5054: which would modify instructional hours to include time students spend in educational activities under the supervision of non-certificated staff while teachers participate in professional learning communities (PLCs) as well as encourage school districts to adopt a school calendar that includes at least four hours per week for teachers to engage in PLCs during the school day (hearing time: 46:09). The bill is in the House Education Committee.

SSB 5072: which would establish new requirements for identifying students who may be eligible for highly capable services, including conducting universal screenings once in or before second grade, and again before sixth grade. The bill is in the House Rules Committee.

SSB 5102: which requires school districts and school boards to provide every student with access to school library information and technology programs. The bill is in the House Education Committee.

SSB 5127: which would clarifyschool districts’ ability to redact personal information related to a student. The bill is in the House State Government & Tribal Relations Committee.

E2SSB 5174: which would modify the student transportation allocation formula and expand the definition of “to and from school” to include the transportation of students participating in career connected and work based learning opportunities. The bill is in the House Appropriations Committee.

ESB 5175: which would allow employment contracts between a school board and principal to be up to three years in length, as opposed to limited to a term of one year. The bill is in the House Education Committee.

SB 5180: which aims to support the retention of teachers by removing barriers to licensure and creating a streamlined pathway to licensure mobility. The bill is in the House Education Committee.

E2SSB 5243: which revises high school and beyond plan (HSBP) requirements, and would require OSPI to facilitate the transition and adoption of a common online platform for HSBPs (hearing time: 25:40). The bill is in the House Education Committee.

ESSB 5257:which would ensure that public schools provide daily recess for all elementary students with a minimum of 45 minutes when the school day is longer than five hours and a minimum of 30 minutes when the school day is shorter, as well as prohibit schools from withholding recess as a punitive action. The bill is in the House Rules Committee.

E2SSB 5311: which would increase the special education excess cost multipliers for pre-K and K12 students over a four-year period and increase the special education enrollment funding cap from 13.5 percent to 14.5 percent (hearing time: 1:12). The bill is in the House Education Committee.

E2SSB 5315: which would require OSPI to establish standards for approval, monitoring, and investigating school district contracts with nonpublic agencies (NPAs) operating special education programs for students with disabilities, and requires that restraint and isolation procedures and notification requirements apply to NPAS. The bill is in the House Education Committee.

ESB 5355: which requires school districts to provide instruction on sex trafficking prevention and identification at least once between grades 7 and 12 beginning in the 2024-25 school year. The bill is in the House Education Committee.

ESB 5462: which would direct OSPI to review and update relevant state learning standards at all grade levels to include the histories, contributions, and perspectives of LGBTQ people, and historically marginalized and underrepresented groups, by December 1, 2024 (hearing time: 38:31). The bill is in the House Education Committee.

SSB 5617: which would require interdistrict cooperative agreements in a skill center to stipulate that any course equivalencies approved by OSPI or a host district must be honored by other participating school districts (hearing time: 17:25). The bill has passed out of the House Education Committee. 

SSB 5626: which requires OSPI to establish a grant program for expanding the capability of school districts to integrate media literacy and digital citizenship into public school instruction (hearing time: 20:03). The bill is in the House Education Committee.

ESB 5650: which concerns salary inflationary increases for K-12 employees. The bill is in the House Appropriations Committee.

Odds and Ends:

Is our society going through “a huge transition,” as the allure of a college degree is starting to fade? This week from The Seattle Times, WA College-Going Rate Dropped Sharply During Pandemic.

“In Washington state, more teachers left the classroom after last school year than at any point in the last three decades…” From MindShift, Teacher Turnover Hits New Highs Across the US.

Meet CSTP’s Legislative Update Coordinator Samantha Miller

Samantha Miller returns as CSTP’s Legislative Updates Coordinator for the 2023 legislative session. She writes weekly emails during the legislative session focusing on bills that impact Washington educators. Samantha has degrees in both Political Science and History, as well as a Master in Teaching. Samantha has worked in Elementary Education for 6 years, most recently as a 3rd Grade general education teacher. The majority of her time is spent chasing around her two children who keep her very busy. Samantha enjoys running, working in her yard, listening to political podcasts, and spending time with her family.

Weekly Legislative Update – March 10, 2023

CSTP Updates

Happy Friday! We are halfway through this year’s 105-day legislative session, and the pace has not appeared to slow one bit. Wednesday, March 8, was the last day for bills to be passed out of their house of origin, and there were several bills that got stuck in their respective Rules Committees and did not make it out. Over the last two weeks, lawmakers have spent the majority of their time on the floor of their respective houses, making last minute amendments to bills in order to keep them alive and passing them off their floor. Next week the focus will shift back to the committees, where public hearings and executive sessions will be taking place at rapid speed in order for members to pass bills out of committee in the opposite house by March 29. 

On Tuesday, the Washington State Board of Education (SBE) released a press statement, to again highlight HB 1308, which would add a performance based pathway to graduation, and all the legislative work that has gone on behind the scenes to keep this bill alive. HB 1308 currently sits with the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee and will need to be heard and voted on by March 29 in order to move forward.

Education Committee Hearings for Next Week on TVW.org

House Education Committee:

  • Monday, March 13 at 1:30 p.m.
  • Tuesday, March 14 at 4:00 p.m.
  • Thursday, March 16 at 8:00 a.m.

Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee:

  • Monday, March 13 at 1:30 p.m.
  • Wednesday, March 15 at 1:30 p.m.
  • Thursday, March 16 at 1:30 p.m.

House Bills

2SHB 1013: which would require OSPI and Washington ESDs to jointly establish a regional apprenticeship pilot program with one site each in Eastern and Western Washington. The bill is in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee.

SHB 1015: which revises minimum employment requirements for paraeducators. The bill is in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee.

ESHB 1057: which would provide a benefit increase to certain retirees of the public employees’ retirement system plan 1 and the teachers’ retirement system plan 1. The bill is in the Senate Ways & Means Committee.

SHB 1109: which would provide additional special education funding to school districts in order to increase initial evaluations during summers. The bill is in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee.

SHB 1113: which would require the Professional Educator Standards Board (PESB) to adopt rules for reviewing and vacating reprimands issued to certificated professional educators. The bill is in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee.

HB 1146: which would require schools to notify high school students and their families about available dual credit programs and any available financial assistance. The bill is in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee.

SHB 1207: which aims to prevent and respond to harassment, intimidation, bullying, and discrimination in schools through updated policies and procedures. The bill is in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee.

2SHB 1238: which would require K-5 elementary public schools, beginning with the 2024-25 school year, to offer universal free breakfasts and lunches if up to 30% of students at the school qualify for free or reduced lunch. The bill is in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee.

ESHB 1277: which would establish rules to improve the consistency and quality of the implementation of the fundamental courses of study for paraeducators. The bill is in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee.

​​HB 1308: which establishes a graduation pathway option that enables students to meet pathway requirements by completing a performance-based learning experience. The bill is in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee.

2SHB 1316: which would lower dual enrollment program costs for eligible students from $65 to $42.50 per credit by creating a subsidy program, incentivizing reduction of per college credit fees charged to college in the high school students, and revising eligibility for the Running Start (RS) program tuition fee waiver. The bill is in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee.

2SHB 1332: which would require all school districts to incorporate a tribal sovereignty curriculum into their social studies curricula by September 1, 2023, as well as require districts to consult with the nearest federally recognized Indian tribe(s) about incorporating materials about their history, culture, and government into their social studies curricula by September 1, 2025. The bill has passed the House Chamber. 

ESHB 1377: which would require the posting of approved courses and providers of continuing education. The bill is in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee.

ESHB 1436: which would increase the enrollment limit for special education funding over several years until the 2027-28 school year, when the limit is removed, and would increase special education excess cost multipliers for kindergarten through age 21 over four school years to 1.059 for students who spend at least 80 percent of the school day in a general education setting. The bill is in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee.

HB 1478: which establishes a statement of student rights for public schools and requires public schools to develop student-focused educational and promotional materials that incorporate the statement and to include the materials into required civics instruction. The bill is in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee.

2SHB 1479: which would prohibit students from being subjected to isolation, mechanical restraint, or chemical restraint by school staff, except for school resource officers under some circumstances, and specifies that existing isolation rooms must remain unlocked, and no new isolation rooms may be created, and, by January 1, 2024, isolation rooms must be removed or repurposed. The bill has passed the House Chamber.

SHB 1504: which requires public schools, beginning with the 2024-25 school year, to provide daily recess for all students in kindergarten through grade 5, and grade 6 if the students attend an elementary school. The bill is in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee.

2HB 1550: which would establish the transition to kindergarten program to provide no-charge assistance to eligible children in need of additional preparation to be successful kindergarten students in the following school year. The bill is in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee.

2SHB 1565: which requires the development of an online platform for the recruitment and hiring of public school employees and establishes a teacher residency program. The bill is in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee.

HB 1622: which aims to support the needs of students experiencing homelessness by aligning program goals, establishing common reporting requirements, and establishing examples of permitted expenditures for the OSPI program. The bill is in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee.

SHB 1658: which would authorize high school students aged 16 and above to earn up to two elective credits through paid work experience if approval and alignment with the student’s High School and Beyond Plan are met. The bill is in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee.

SHB 1701: which concerns basic education services to youth who are served through institutional education programs. The bill is in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee.

Senate Bills

SB 5019: which removes “classified staff providing student and staff safety” from the definition of physical, social, and emotional support staff and the specific funding considerations for that group (hearing time: 1:37). The bill is in the House Education Committee. 

SSB 5048: which would require colleges to provide enrollment and registration in College in the High School (CHS) courses at no cost to students in grades 9-12 at public high schools, and would require the legislature to appropriate funds to fund CHS courses, at inflation-adjusted rates. The bill has passed the Senate Chamber.

SSB 5054: which would modify instructional hours to include time students spend in educational activities under the supervision of non-certificated staff while teachers participate in professional learning communities (PLCs) as well as encourage school districts to adopt a school calendar that includes at least four hours per week for teachers to engage in PLCs during the school day. The bill is in the House Education Committee.

SSB 5072: which would establish new requirements for identifying students who may be eligible for highly capable services, including conducting universal screenings once in or before second grade, and again before sixth grade. The bill has passed out of the House Education Committee.

SSB 5102: which requires school districts and school boards to provide every student with access to school library information and technology programs. The bill is in the House Education Committee.

SSB 5127: which would clarifyschool districts’ ability to redact personal information related to a student. The bill is in the House State Government & Tribal Relations Committee.

E2SSB 5174: which would modify the student transportation allocation formula and expand the definition of “to and from school” to include the transportation of students participating in career connected and work based learning opportunities. The bill is in the House Appropriations Committee.

ESB 5175: which would allow employment contracts between a school board and principal to be up to three years in length, as opposed to limited to a term of one year. The bill has passed the Senate Chamber.

SB 5180: which aims to support the retention of teachers by removing barriers to licensure and creating a streamlined pathway to licensure mobility. The bill is in the House Education Committee.

E2SSB 5243: which revises high school and beyond plan (HSBP) requirements, and would require OSPI to facilitate the transition and adoption of a common online platform for HSBPs. The bill is in the House Education Committee.

ESSB 5257:which would ensure that public schools provide daily recess for all elementary students with a minimum of 45 minutes when the school day is longer than five hours and a minimum of 30 minutes when the school day is shorter, as well as prohibit schools from withholding recess as a punitive action. The bill has passed out of the House Education Committee.

E2SSB 5311: which would increase the special education excess cost multipliers for pre-K and K12 students over a four-year period and increase the special education enrollment funding cap from 13.5 percent to 14.5 percent. The bill is in the House Education Committee.

E2SSB 5315: which would require OSPI to establish standards for approval, monitoring, and investigating school district contracts with nonpublic agencies (NPAs) operating special education programs for students with disabilities, and requires that restraint and isolation procedures and notification requirements apply to NPAS. The bill is in the House Education Committee.

ESB 5355: which requires school districts to provide instruction on sex trafficking prevention and identification at least once between grades 7 and 12 beginning in the 2024-25 school year. The bill is in the House Education Committee.

ESB 5462: which would direct OSPI to review and update relevant state learning standards at all grade levels to include the histories, contributions, and perspectives of LGBTQ people, and historically marginalized and underrepresented groups, by December 1, 2024. The bill is in the House Education Committee.

SSB 5617: which would require interdistrict cooperative agreements in a skill center to stipulate that any course equivalencies approved by OSPI or a host district must be honored by other participating school districts (hearing time: 17:25). The bill is in the House Education Committee. 

SSB 5626: which requires OSPI to establish a grant program for expanding the capability of school districts to integrate media literacy and digital citizenship into public school instruction. The bill is in the House Education Committee.

ESB 5650: which concerns salary inflationary increases for K-12 employees. The bill is in the House Appropriations Committee.

Odds and Ends:

“When students engage in mildly disruptive behavior, teachers can try asking open questions instead of immediately confronting the behavior.” Last week from Edutopia, Using Curiosity as a Way to Diffuse Power Struggles.  Including this story from NPR because it is a great reminder that when kids dream big and adults buy in, great things can happen. These Students Raised Hundreds of Thousands to Make Their Playground Accessible.

Meet CSTP’s Legislative Update Coordinator Samantha Miller

Samantha Miller returns as CSTP’s Legislative Updates Coordinator for the 2023 legislative session. She writes weekly emails during the legislative session focusing on bills that impact Washington educators. Samantha has degrees in both Political Science and History, as well as a Master in Teaching. Samantha has worked in Elementary Education for 6 years, most recently as a 3rd Grade general education teacher. The majority of her time is spent chasing around her two children who keep her very busy. Samantha enjoys running, working in her yard, listening to political podcasts, and spending time with her family.

Weekly Legislative Update – March 3, 2023

CSTP Updates

We have made it through the first two major cut-offs and are cruising right on to the halfway point of the 2023 Legislative Session. Last week was jam packed with fiscal committee hearings and executive sessions, leaving lawmakers scrambling to add last minute amendments in order to ensure that their bill made it out of committee. The next major cut-off date is 5 p.m. on Wednesday, March 8, and is the deadline for bills to pass in their house of origin. 

In a mid-February meeting with the State Board of Education (SBE), State Superintendent, Chris Reykdal, sketched out the money pressures currently facing Washington public schools. He expanded on the topic in an interview with the Seattle Times that was published on Monday. In this interview, Reykdal addressed these growing financial stressors and why he thinks the state is not doing enough to fund education. He sighted the possible school closures that the Bellevue School District announced a few weeks ago, and noted that Seattle Public Schools is also starting to talk about consolidating some schools to save money. Reykdal stated, “We’re down to enrollment levels we thought we’d see in about 10 years, which is 1.06 million students. If you’re a district that’s experiencing this disproportionately, it almost puts a freeze on your budget. … It is a perfect storm, and we are preparing ourselves for a number of districts who are going to find themselves in more financial distress.”

Education Committee Hearings for Next Week on TVW.org

House Education Committee:

  • Tuesday, March 7 at 8 a.m.
  • Thursday, March 9 at 8 a.m.

Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee:

  • Thursday, March 9 at 1:30pm

House Bills:

2SHB 1013: which would require OSPI and Washington ESDs to jointly establish a regional apprenticeship pilot program with one site each in Eastern and Western Washington. The bill is in the House Rules Committee.

SHB 1015: which revises minimum employment requirements for paraeducators. The bill is in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee.

ESHB 1057: which would provide a benefit increase to certain retirees of the public employees’ retirement system plan 1 and the teachers’ retirement system plan 1. The bill has passed out of the House Rules Committee. 

SHB 1109: which would provide additional special education funding to school districts in order to increase initial evaluations during summers. The bill has passed out of the House Rules Committee.

SHB 1113: which would require the Professional Educator Standards Board (PESB) to adopt rules for reviewing and vacating reprimands issued to certificated professional educators. The bill is in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee.

HB 1146: which would require schools to notify high school students and their families about available dual credit programs and any available financial assistance. The bill is in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee.

SHB 1207: which aims to prevent and respond to harassment, intimidation, bullying, and discrimination in schools through updated policies and procedures. The bill is in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee.

2SHB 1238: which would require K-5 elementary public schools, beginning with the 2024-25 school year, to offer universal free breakfasts and lunches if up to 30% of students at the school qualify for free or reduced lunch. The bill is in the House Rules Committee. This bill was highlighted in Crosscut this week.

2SHB 1239: which would establish a simple and uniform system for complaints related to, and instituting a code of educator ethics for, conduct within or involving public elementary and secondary schools. The bill is in the House Rules Committee.

ESHB 1277: which would establish rules to improve the consistency and quality of the implementation of the fundamental courses of study for paraeducators. The bill is in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee.

2SHB 1305: which would make changes to the requirements to initial student evaluations for special education and to the development and implementation of individualized education programs (IEPs) in order to improve access to a free appropriate public education for students with disabilities. The bill is in the House Rules Committee.

​​HB 1308: which establishes a graduation pathway option that enables students to meet pathway requirements by completing a performance-based learning experience. The bill is in the House Rules Committee.

2SHB 1316:  which would lower dual enrollment program costs for eligible students from $65 to $42.50 per credit by creating a subsidy program, incentivizing reduction of per college credit fees charged to college in the high school students, and revising eligibility for the Running Start (RS) program tuition fee waiver. The bill is in the House Rules Committee. 

2SHB 1332: which would require all school districts to incorporate a tribal sovereignty curriculum into their social studies curricula by September 1, 2023, as well as require districts to consult with the nearest federally recognized Indian tribe(s) about incorporating materials about their history, culture, and government into their social studies curricula by September 1, 2025. The bill is in the House Rules Committee. 

ESHB 1377:  which would require the posting of approved courses and providers of continuing education. The bill is in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee.

HB 1436: which authorizes school districts to apply to OSPI for additional special education funding beyond state excess cost allocations, and increases excess cost multipliers for special education students over four school years. The bill is in the House Rules Committee.

HB 1478: which establishes a statement of student rights for public schools and requires public schools to develop student-focused educational and promotional materials that incorporate the statement and to include the materials into required civics instruction. The bill is in the House Rules Committee.

2SHB 1479: which would prohibit students from being subjected to isolation, mechanical restraint, or chemical restraint by school staff, except for school resource officers under some circumstances, and specifies that existing isolation rooms must remain unlocked, and no new isolation rooms may be created, and, by January 1, 2024, isolation rooms must be removed or repurposed. The bill is in the House Rules Committee.

SHB 1504: which requires public schools, beginning with the 2024-25 school year, to provide daily recess for all students in kindergarten through grade 5, and grade 6 if the students attend an elementary school. The bill is in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee.

2HB 1550: which would establish the transition to kindergarten program to provide no-charge assistance to eligible children in need of additional preparation to be successful kindergarten students in the following school year. The bill is in the House Rules Committee.

2SHB 1565: which requires the development of an online platform for the recruitment and hiring of public school employees and establishes a teacher residency program. The bill is in the House Rules Committee.

HB 1622: which aims to support the needs of students experiencing homelessness by aligning program goals, establishing common reporting requirements, and establishing examples of permitted expenditures for the OSPI program. The bill is in the House Rules Committee.

SHB 1658: which would authorize high school students aged 16 and above to earn up to two elective credits through paid work experience if approval and alignment with the student’s High School and Beyond Plan are met. The bill is in the House Rules Committee.

HB 1692: which would create a nonpartisan Legislative District Student Council, composed of 11 student members, in each legislative district to serve as advisory bodies to examine and make recommendations on issues affecting youth and education. The bill is in the House Rules Committee.

SHB 1701: which concerns basic education services to youth who are served through institutional education programs. The bill is in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee.

Senate Bills:

SB 5019: which removes “classified staff providing student and staff safety” from the definition of physical, social, and emotional support staff and the specific funding considerations for that group. The bill is in the House Education Committee and scheduled for public hearing March 9 at 8 a.m.

SSB 5048: which would eliminate college in the high school fees. The bill is in the Senate Rules Committee.

SSB 5054: which would modify instructional hours to include time students spend in educational activities under the supervision of non-certificated staff while teachers participate in professional learning communities (PLCs) as well as encourage school districts to adopt a school calendar that includes at least four hours per week for teachers to engage in PLCs during the school day. The bill is in the House Education Committee.

SSB 5072: which would establish new requirements for identifying students who may be eligible for highly capable services, including conducting universal screenings once in or before second grade, and again before sixth grade (hearing time: 11:57).  The bill is in the House Education Committee and scheduled for executive session March 7 at 8 a.m.

SSB 5085: which would remove statutory limitations on the scope of collective bargaining in regards to supervisors, or principals and assistant principals, and would require specific evaluation criteria when transferring a principal/assistant principal to a subordinate certificated position. This bill would prohibit school district employment applications from including a question asking whether the applicant has ever been on a plan of improvement, or under an investigation. The bill is in the Senate Rules Committee.

SSB 5102: which requires school districts and school boards to provide every student with access to school library information and technology programs. The bill is in the Senate Rules Committee.

SSB 5127: which would clarify school districts’ ability to redact personal information related to a student. The bill has passed out of the Senate Rules Committee.

2SSB 5174: which would modify the student transportation allocation formula and expand the definition of “to and from school” to include the transportation of students participating in career connected and work based learning opportunities. The bill is in the Senate Rules Committee.

SB 5175: which would allow employment contracts between a school board and principal to be up to three years in length, as opposed to limited to a term of one year. The bill is in the Senate Rules Committee.

SB 5180: which aims to support the retention of teachers by removing barriers to licensure and creating a streamlined pathway to licensure mobility. The bill is in the Senate Rules Committee.

SSB 5243: which revises high school and beyond plan (HSBP) requirements, and would require OSPI to facilitate the transition and adoption of a common online platform for HSBPs. The bill is in the Senate Rules Committee.

ESSB 5257: which would ensure that public schools provide daily recess for all elementary students with a minimum of 45 minutes when the school day is longer than five hours and a minimum of 30 minutes when the school day is shorter, as well as prohibit schools from withholding recess as a punitive action (hearing time: 48:20). The bill is in the House Education Committee.

2SSB 5311: which would increase the special education excess cost multipliers for pre-K and K12 students over a four-year period and increase the special education enrollment funding cap from 13.5 percent to 14.5 percent. The bill is in the Senate Rules Committee.

2SSB 5315: which would require OSPI to establish standards for approval, monitoring, and investigating school district contracts with nonpublic agencies (NPAs) operating special education programs for students with disabilities, and requires that restraint and isolation procedures and notification requirements apply to NPAS. The bill is in the Senate Rules Committee.

ESB 5355: which requires school districts to provide instruction on sex trafficking prevention and identification at least once between grades 7 and 12 beginning in the 2024-25 school year. The bill is in the House Education Committee.

ESB 5462: which would direct OSPI to review and update relevant state learning standards at all grade levels to include the histories, contributions, and perspectives of LGBTQ people, and historically marginalized and underrepresented groups, by December 1, 2024. The bill is in the House Education Committee.

SB 5527: which would add additional courses to the list of courses approved as a graduation pathway option. The bill is in the Senate Rules Committee.

SSB 5617: which would require interdistrict cooperative agreements in a skill center to stipulate that any course equivalencies approved by OSPI or a host district must be honored by other participating school districts. The bill is in the House Rules Committee.

SSB 5626: which requires OSPI to establish a grant program for expanding the capability of school districts to integrate media literacy and digital citizenship into public school instruction. The bill is in the Senate Rules Committee.

SB 5647: which requires safe school plans to include how substitute teachers and other temporary employees receive necessary information, including school safety policies and procedures and the three basic functional drill responses. The bill is in the Senate Rules Committee.

SB 5650: which concerns salary inflationary increases for K-12 employees. The bill is in the Senate Rules Committee.

Odds and Ends:

Looking for additional tools to use in your classroom to help kids cope with stressors? From NPR Ed, How Grown Ups Can Help Kids Transition to Post-Pandemic School Life.

All schools in Washington state are now required to teach sexual health education. This week, The Seattle Times’ Education Lab reported on a new local podcast that provides a window into those classroom conversations in the Seattle area. “We really wanted to get ahead of that fear about what’s being talked about,” said Chris Johnson, director of prevention and education services at KCSARC. Check out, Seattle-Area Podcast Explores How to Talk to Kids About Consent.

Meet CSTP’s Legislative Update Coordinator Samantha Miller

Samantha Miller returns as CSTP’s Legislative Updates Coordinator for the 2023 legislative session. She writes weekly emails during the legislative session focusing on bills that impact Washington educators. Samantha has degrees in both Political Science and History, as well as a Master in Teaching. Samantha has worked in Elementary Education for 6 years, most recently as a 3rd Grade general education teacher. The majority of her time is spent chasing around her two children who keep her very busy. Samantha enjoys running, working in her yard, listening to political podcasts, and spending time with her family.

Weekly Legislative Update – February 24, 2023

CSTP Updates

Hello and happy Friday! The 105-day schedule does not allow for much time to take in the loss or celebration of bills as they move quickly through the committee process. Last Friday, February 17, was the policy committee cut-off in the house of origin. The OSPI sponsored bill, SB 5505, which introduced the idea of a “balanced school calendar,” failed to make it out of committee alongside several other bills. Today, February 24 is the fiscal committee cut-off. Bills that are not passed out of the House Appropriations or Senate Ways & Means Committees by end of day today will not move forward. 

This session, bills that expand access to education programs that allow many students to earn college credit while in high school have received broad support thus far, and continue to be progressing toward the governor’s desk. Dual-credit programs, such as Running Start and College in the High School, give Washington State students the opportunity to earn college credit and their high school diploma simultaneously.  Crosscut reports that these dual credit programs also happen to cost significantly less than traditional four-year universities for both students and the state. The four dual credit bills still in play are: HB 1146, which requires students and families to be informed of dual credit opportunities offered in their district, SSB 5048, which eliminates College in the High School fees, and both HB 1316 and HB 1003 which aim to expand access more broadly by removing barriers such as add-on course fees and lack of financial coverage for summer classes.

Education Committee Hearings for Next Week on TVW.org

House Appropriations Committee

  • Friday, February 24 at 9:00 am

House Education Committee

  • Wednesday, March 1 at 8:00 am

House Bills:

HB 1003: which would lower dual credit program costs for eligible students with financial need by creating a subsidy program, reducing per college credit fees for college in the high school students, and revising eligibility for the Running Start program tuition fee waiver, and would also make the Running Start program permanent to pilot institutions. The bill is in the House Appropriations Committee.

HB 1013: which would require OSPI and Washington ESDs to jointly establish a regional apprenticeship pilot program with one site each in Eastern and Western Washington. The bill has passed out of the House Appropriations Committee.

SHB 1015: which revises minimum employment requirements for paraeducators. The bill is in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Committee.

HB 1057: which would provide a benefit increase to certain retirees of the public employees’ retirement system plan 1 and the teachers’ retirement system plan 1. The bill has passed out of the House Appropriations Committee. 

HB 1109: which would provide additional special education funding to school districts in order to increase initial evaluations during summers. The bill is in the House Rules Committee.

SHB 1113: which would require the Professional Educator Standards Board (PESB) to adopt rules for reviewing and vacating reprimands issued to certificated professional educators. The bill is in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Committee.

HB 1146: which would require schools to notify high school students and their families about available dual credit programs and any available financial assistance. The bill is in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Committee.

HB 1207: which aims to prevent and respond to harassment, intimidation, bullying, and discrimination in schools through updated policies and procedures. The bill is in the House Rules Committee.

SHB 1238: which requires public schools, beginning with the 2023-24 school year, to provide breakfast and lunch each school day to any requesting students and at no charge to the students. The bill is in the House Appropriations Committee and scheduled for executive session today at 9am.

SHB 1239: which would establish a simple and uniform system for complaints related to, and instituting a code of educator ethics for, conduct within or involving public elementary and secondary schools. The bill has passed out of the House Appropriations Committee.

SHB 1277: which would establish rules to improve the consistency and quality of the implementation of the fundamental courses of study for paraeducators. The bill is in the House Rules Committee.

SHB 1305: which would make changes to the requirements to initial student evaluations for special education and to the development and implementation of individualized education programs (IEPs) in order to improve access to a free appropriate public education for students with disabilities. The bill is in the House Appropriations Committee and scheduled for executive session today at 9am.

​​HB 1308: which establishes a graduation pathway option that enables students to meet pathway requirements by completing a performance-based learning experience. The bill is in the House Rules Committee.

SHB 1316:  which would lower dual enrollment program costs for eligible students from $65 to $42.50 per credit by creating a subsidy program, incentivizing reduction of per college credit fees charged to college in the high school students, and revising eligibility for the Running Start (RS) program tuition fee waiver. The bill is in the House Appropriations Committee. 

SHB 1332: which would require all school districts to incorporate a tribal sovereignty curriculum into their social studies curricula by September 1, 2023, as well as require districts to consult with the nearest federally recognized Indian tribe(s) about incorporating materials about their history, culture, and government into their social studies curricula by September 1, 2025. The bill is in the House Appropriations Committee. 

SHB 1377:  which would require the posting of approved courses and providers of continuing education. The bill is in the House Rules Committee.

HB 1436: which authorizes school districts to apply to OSPI for additional special education funding beyond state excess cost allocations, and increases excess cost multipliers for special education students over four school years. The bill has passed out of the House Appropriations Committee. 

HB 1478: which establishes a statement of student rights for public schools and requires public schools to develop student-focused educational and promotional materials that incorporate the statement and to include the materials into required civics instruction. The bill is in the House Rules Committee.

HB 1479: which would prohibit students from being subjected to isolation, mechanical restraint, or chemical restraint by school staff, except for school resource officers under some circumstances, and specifies that existing isolation rooms must remain unlocked, and no new isolation rooms may be created, and, by January 1, 2024, isolation rooms must be removed or repurposed. The bill is in the House Appropriations Committee and scheduled for executive session today at 9am.

SHB 1504: which requires public schools, beginning with the 2024-25 school year, to provide daily recess for all students in kindergarten through grade 5, and grade 6 if the students attend an elementary school. The bill is in the House Rules Committee.

HB 1550: which would establish the transition to kindergarten program to provide no-charge assistance to eligible children in need of additional preparation to be successful kindergarten students in the following school year. The bill is in the House Appropriations Committee and scheduled for executive session today at 9am.

SHB 1565: which requires the development of an online platform for the recruitment and hiring of public school employees and establishes a teacher residency program. The bill is in the House Appropriations Committee. 

HB 1622: which aims to support the needs of students experiencing homelessness by aligning program goals, establishing common reporting requirements, and establishing examples of permitted expenditures for the OSPI program. The bill is in the House Rules Committee.

SHB 1658:which would authorize high school students aged 16 and above to earn up to two elective credits through paid work experience if approval and alignment with the student’s High School and Beyond Plan are met. The bill is in the House Rules Committee.

HB 1701: which concerns basic education services to youth who are served through institutional education programs. The bill is in the House Rules Committee.

Senate Bills:

SB 5019: which removes “classified staff providing student and staff safety” from the definition of physical, social, and emotional support staff and the specific funding considerations for that group. The bill is in the Senate Rules Committee.

SSB 5048: which would eliminate college in the high school fees. The bill has passed out of the Senate Ways & Means Committee.

SSB 5054: which would modify instructional hours to include time students spend in educational activities under the supervision of non-certificated staff while teachers participate in professional learning communities (PLCs) as well as encourage school districts to adopt a school calendar that includes at least four hours per week for teachers to engage in PLCs during the school day. The bill is in the Senate Rules Committee.

SSB 5072: which would establish new requirements for identifying students who may be eligible for highly capable services, including conducting universal screenings once in or before second grade, and again before sixth grade.The bill is in the House Education Committee.

SSB 5085: which would remove statutory limitations on the scope of collective bargaining in regards to supervisors, or principals and assistant principals, and would require specific evaluation criteria when transferring a principal/assistant principal to a subordinate certificated position. This bill would prohibit school district employment applications from including a question asking whether the applicant has ever been on a plan of improvement, or under an investigation. The bill is in the Senate Rules Committee.

SSB 5102: which requires school districts and school boards to provide every student with access to school library information and technology programs. The bill has passed out of the Senate Ways & Means Committee. 

SSB 5127: which would clarifyschool districts’ ability to redact personal information related to a student. The bill is in the Senate Rules Committee.

SSB 5174: which would modify the student transportation allocation formula and expand the definition of “to and from school” to include the transportation of students participating in career connected and work based learning opportunities. The bill has passed out of the Senate Ways & Means Committee. 

SB 5175: which would allow employment contracts between a school board and principal to be up to three years in length, as opposed to limited to a term of one year. The bill is in the Senate Rules Committee.

SB 5180: which aims to support the retention of teachers by removing barriers to licensure and creating a streamlined pathway to licensure mobility. The bill has passed out of the Senate Ways & Means Committee. 

SSB 5243: which revises high school and beyond plan (HSBP) requirements, and would require OSPI to facilitate the transition and adoption of a common online platform for HSBPs. The bill is in the Senate Rules Committee.

SSB 5248: which would reappropriate COVID-19 relief funding for grants to be used on high quality tutoring and rigorous extended learning programs. The bill is in the Senate Ways & Means Committee and scheduled for executive session today at 9am.

ESSB 5257: which would ensure that public schools provide daily recess for all elementary students with a minimum of 45 minutes when the school day is longer than five hours and a minimum of 30 minutes when the school day is shorter, as well as prohibit schools from withholding recess as a punitive action. The bill is in the Senate Rules Committee.

SSB 5311: which would increase the special education excess cost multipliers for pre-K and K12 students over a four-year period and increase the special education enrollment funding cap from 13.5 percent to 14.5 percent. The bill has passed out of the Senate Ways & Means Committee.

SSB 5315: which would require OSPI to establish standards for approval, monitoring, and investigating school district contracts with nonpublic agencies (NPAs) operating special education programs for students with disabilities, and requires that restraint and isolation procedures and notification requirements apply to NPAS. The bill has passed out of the Senate Ways & Means Committee.

SB 5355: which requires school districts to provide instruction on sex trafficking prevention and identification at least once between grades 7 and 12 beginning in the 2024-25 school year. The bill is in the Senate Rules Committee.

SB 5462: which would direct OSPI to review and update relevant state learning standards at all grade levels to include the histories, contributions, and perspectives of LGBTQ people, and historically marginalized and underrepresented groups, by December 1, 2024. The bill is in the Senate Rules Committee.

SB 5527: which would add additional courses to the list of courses approved as a graduation pathway option. The bill is in the Senate Rules Committee.

SSB 5617: which would require  interdistrict cooperative agreements in a skill center to stipulate that any course equivalencies approved by OSPI or a host district must be honored by other participating school districts. The bill is in the Senate Rules Committee.

SSB 5626: which requires OSPI to establish a grant program for expanding the capability of school districts to integrate media literacy and digital citizenship into public school instruction. The bill has passed out of the Senate Ways & Means Committee.

SB 5647: which requires safe school plans to include how substitute teachers and other temporary employees receive necessary information, including school safety policies and procedures and the three basic functional drill responses. The bill is in the Senate Rules Committee.

SB 5650: which concerns salary inflationary increases for K-12 employees. The bill has passed out of the Senate Ways & Means Committee. 

Odds and Ends:

“How can educators establish opportunities for students to tell their stories and find themselves in the stories of others?” From MindShift, Matching Students with Books is a Sacred Task. How Can Educators Select Stories that Boost Belonging?

After my 2nd grader came home asking me how to write her name in cursive it got me thinking, will her generation ever know how to read or write in cursive? From the Atlantic Magazine, I found this thought provoking article. Gen Z Never Learned to Read Cursive.

Meet CSTP’s Legislative Update Coordinator Samantha Miller

Samantha Miller returns as CSTP’s Legislative Updates Coordinator for the 2023 legislative session. She writes weekly emails during the legislative session focusing on bills that impact Washington educators. Samantha has degrees in both Political Science and History, as well as a Master in Teaching. Samantha has worked in Elementary Education for 6 years, most recently as a 3rd Grade general education teacher. The majority of her time is spent chasing around her two children who keep her very busy. Samantha enjoys running, working in her yard, listening to political podcasts, and spending time with her family.

Weekly Legislative Update – February 17, 2023

CSTP Updates

Today is the first cut-off date for lawmakers trying to get bills passed out of committee in their house of origin. Bills that do not get “exec’d” out of committee by end of day today and sent to their respective fiscal committees will be considered “dead,” and no longer move forward. Over next week, the focus will shift to the House Appropriations and Senate Ways & Means Committees who will hold daylong hearings on the bills referred to them from the various policy committees. The fiscal committee deadline is next Friday, February 24. 

It is worth mentioning that HB 1308, a State Board of Education priority bill, that establishes a “performance-based” graduation pathway option for students, passed out of the House Education Committee on Monday. According to the testimony of the State Board, this new option would allow students to show what they know and can do in real-world, hands-on ways that align with their individual goals for after high school.

Fiscal Committee Hearings for Next Week on TVW.org

House Appropriations Committee

  • Monday, February 20 at 1:30pm
  • Tuesday, February 21 at 1:30pm
  • Wednesday, February 22 at 1:30pm
  • Thursday, February 23 at 9am
  • Friday, February 24 at 9am

Senate Ways & Means Committee

  • Monday, February 20 at 9am
  • Tuesday, February 21 at 9am
  • Wednesday, February 22 at 1:30pm
  • Thursday, February 23 at 9am
  • Friday, February 24 at 9am

Bills We’re Following:

HB 1003: which would lower dual credit program costs for eligible students with financial need by creating a subsidy program, reducing per college credit fees for college in the high school students, and revising eligibility for the Running Start program tuition fee waiver, and would also make the Running Start program permanent to pilot institutions. The bill is in the House Appropriations Committee.

HB 1013: which would require OSPI and Washington ESDs to jointly establish a regional apprenticeship pilot program with one site each in Eastern and Western Washington. The bill is in the House Appropriations Committee.

SHB 1015: which revises minimum employment requirements for paraeducators. The bill is in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Committee.

HB 1057: which would provide a benefit increase to certain retirees of the public employees’ retirement system plan 1 and the teachers’ retirement system plan 1. The bill is in the House Appropriations Committee.

HB 1109: which would provide additional special education funding to school districts in order to increase initial evaluations during summers. The bill is in the House Appropriations Committee.

SHB 1113: which would require the Professional Educator Standards Board (PESB) to adopt rules for reviewing and vacating reprimands issued to certificated professional educators. The bill is in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Committee.

HB 1146: which would require schools to notify high school students and their families about available dual credit programs and any available financial assistance. The bill is in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Committee.

HB 1207: which aims to prevent and respond to harassment, intimidation, bullying, and discrimination in schools through updated policies and procedures. The bill is in the House Rules Committee.

SHB 1228:  which establishes grant programs for establishing or expanding dual language education programs and tribal language education programs and would establish multilingual skill bonuses for certificated instructional staff and paraeducators. The bill is in the House Appropriations Committee.

SHB 1238: which requires public schools, beginning with the 2023-24 school year, to provide breakfast and lunch each school day to any requesting students and at no charge to the students. The bill is in the House Appropriations Committee.

SHB 1239: which would establish a simple and uniform system for complaints related to, and instituting a code of educator ethics for, conduct within or involving public elementary and secondary schools. The bill is in the House Appropriations Committee.

SHB 1273: which would establish new and revised requirements for High School and Beyond Plans (HSBPs) that are a prerequisite for graduating from a public high school. The bill is in the House Appropriations Committee.

SHB 1277: which would establish rules to improve the consistency and quality of the implementation of the fundamental courses of study for paraeducators. The bill is in the House Rules Committee.

SHB 1305: which would make changes to the requirements to initial student evaluations for special education and to the development and implementation of individualized education programs (IEPs) in order to improve access to a free appropriate public education for students with disabilities. The bill is in the House Appropriations Committee.

​​HB 1308: which establishes a graduation pathway option that enables students to meet pathway requirements by completing a performance-based learning experience. The bill has passed out of committee.

SHB 1316:  which would lower dual enrollment program costs for eligible students from $65 to $42.50 per credit by creating a subsidy program, incentivizing reduction of per college credit fees charged to college in the high school students, and revising eligibility for the Running Start (RS) program tuition fee waiver. The bill is in the House Appropriations Committee.

SHB 1332: which would require all school districts to incorporate a tribal sovereignty curriculum into their social studies curricula by September 1, 2023, as well as require districts to consult with the nearest federally recognized Indian tribe(s) about incorporating materials about their history, culture, and government into their social studies curricula by September 1, 2025. The bill is in the House Appropriations Committee.

SHB 1377:  which would require the posting of approved courses and providers of continuing education. The bill has passed out of committee.

HB 1411: which would direct OSPI to distribute funding to school districts and institutional education providers to partner with community-based organizations that support students to offer cross-sector trainings on topics such as social-emotional learning, mental and behavioral health management, and teaching students to be peer mediators. The bill is in the House Appropriations Committee.

HB 1436: which authorizes school districts to apply to OSPI for additional special education funding beyond state excess cost allocations, and increases excess cost multipliers for special education students over four school years. The bill is in the House Appropriations Committee.

HB 1478: which establishes a statement of student rights for public schools and requires public schools to develop student-focused educational and promotional materials that incorporate the statement and to include the materials into required civics instruction. The bill is in the House Rules Committee.

HB 1479: which would prohibit students from being subjected to isolation, mechanical restraint, or chemical restraint by school staff, except for school resource officers under some circumstances, and specifies that existing isolation rooms must remain unlocked, and no new isolation rooms may be created, and, by January 1, 2024, isolation rooms must be removed or repurposed. The bill has passed out of committee.

SHB 1504: which requires public schools, beginning with the 2024-25 school year, to provide daily recess for all students in kindergarten through grade 5, and grade 6 if the students attend an elementary school. The bill has passed out of committee.

HB 1550: which would establish the transition to kindergarten program to provide no-charge assistance to eligible children in need of additional preparation to be successful kindergarten students in the following school year. The bill has passed out of committee.

SHB 1565: which requires the development of an online platform for the recruitment and hiring of public school employees and establishes a teacher residency program. The bill has passed out of committee.

HB 1605: which directs OSPI to develop funding procedures in order to support small districts with less than 2,750 students, to ensure significant participation in skill centers. The bill is in the House Appropriations Committee.

SHB 1609: which requires school districts to provide resources for the operation of school library information and technology programs and to ensure that each student has access to a library technology program that meets specified requirements. The bill has passed out of committee.

HB 1622: which aims to support the needs of students experiencing homelessness by aligning program goals, establishing common reporting requirements, and establishing examples of permitted expenditures for the OSPI program. The bill has passed out of committee.

SHB 1658: which would authorize high school students aged 16 and above to earn up to two elective credits through paid work experience if approval and alignment with the student’s High School and Beyond Plan are met. The bill has passed out of committee.

HB 1701: which concerns basic education services to youth who are served through institutional education programs. The bill has passed out of committee.

HB 1710: which would use COVID-19 relief funding on high quality tutoring and rigorous extended learning programs. The bill is in the House Appropriations Committee.

SB 5019: which removes “classified staff providing student and staff safety” from the definition of physical, social, and emotional support staff and the specific funding considerations for that group. The bill is in the Senate Rules Committee.

SB 5020: which would lower the minimum age for compulsory school attendance from eight to six years old, and amend truancy provisions to align with this change, as well as require parents who homeschool to file an annual declaration of intent beginning at age 6. The bill is in the Senate Ways & Means Committee.

SSB 5048: which would eliminate college in the high school fees. The bill is in the Senate Ways & Means Committee.

SSB 5054: which would modify instructional hours to include time students spend in educational activities under the supervision of non-certificated staff while teachers participate in professional learning communities (PLCs) as well as encourage school districts to adopt a school calendar that includes at least four hours per week for teachers to engage in PLCs during the school day. The bill is in the Senate Rules Committee.

SSB 5072: which would establish new requirements for identifying students who may be eligible for highly capable services, including conducting universal screenings once in or before second grade, and again before sixth grade.The bill is in the House Education Committee.

SSB 5085: which would remove statutory limitations on the scope of collective bargaining in regards to supervisors, or principals and assistant principals, and would require specific evaluation criteria when transferring a principal/assistant principal to a subordinate certificated position. This bill would prohibit school district employment applications from including a question asking whether the applicant has ever been on a plan of improvement, or under an investigation. The bill is in the Senate Rules Committee.

SSB 5102: which requires school districts and school boards to provide every student with access to school library information and technology programs. The bill is in the Senate Ways & Means Committee. 

SSB 5127: which would clarifyschool districts’ ability to redact personal information related to a student. The bill is in the Senate Rules Committee.

SSB 5174: which would modify the student transportation allocation formula and expand the definition of “to and from school” to include the transportation of students participating in career connected and work based learning opportunities. The bill is in the Senate Ways & Means Committee.

SB 5175: which would allow employment contracts between a school board and principal to be up to three years in length, as opposed to limited to a term of one year. The bill is in the Senate Rules Committee.

SB 5180: which aims to support the retention of teachers by removing barriers to licensure and creating a streamlined pathway to licensure mobility. The bill is in the Senate Ways & Means Committee.

SSB 5237: which would direct OSPI to establish procedures to investigate and address complaints alleging noncompliance with state laws regarding civil rights, certain curriculum requirements and student discipline. The bill is in the Senate Ways & Means Committee.

SSB 5243: which revises high school and beyond plan (HSBP) requirements, and would require OSPI to facilitate the transition and adoption of a common online platform for HSBPs. The bill is in the Senate Ways & Means Committee.

SSB 5248: which would reappropriate COVID-19 relief funding for grants to be used on high quality tutoring and rigorous extended learning programs. The bill is in the Senate Ways & Means Committee.

SSB 5257: which would ensure that public schools provide daily recess for all elementary students with a minimum of 45 minutes when the school day is longer than five hours and a minimum of 30 minutes when the school day is shorter, as well as prohibit schools from withholding recess as a punitive action. The bill is in the Senate Rules Committee.

SSB 5311: which would increase the special education excess cost multipliers for pre-K and K12 students over a four-year period and increase the special education enrollment funding cap from 13.5 percent to 14.5 percent. The bill is in the Senate Ways & Means Committee. 

SSB 5315: which would require OSPI to establish standards for approval, monitoring, and investigating school district contracts with nonpublic agencies (NPAs) operating special education programs for students with disabilities, and requires that restraint and isolation procedures and notification requirements apply to NPAS. The bill is in the Senate Ways & Means Committee.

SSB 5339: which would add free school breakfast and lunch to the state’s program of basic education beginning in the 2023-24 school year. The bill is in the Senate Ways & Means Committee.

SB 5355: which requires school districts to provide instruction on sex trafficking prevention and identification at least once between grades 7 and 12 beginning in the 2024-25 school year. The bill is in the Senate Rules Committee.

SB 5408: which would establish the Ninth Grade Success Grant Program, which funds the creation of ninth grade success teams that can identify and support incoming high school students who are at risk of not graduating. The bill is in the Senate Ways & Means Committee.

SSB 5441: which would require larger school districts to designate inclusive curricula coordinators and smaller school districts to work with their educational service districts (ESDs) to promote the development and adoption of curricula that is diverse, equitable, and inclusive. The bill is in the Senate Ways & Means Committee.

SB 5462: which would direct OSPI to review and update relevant state learning standards at all grade levels to include the histories, contributions, and perspectives of LGBTQ people, and historically marginalized and underrepresented groups, by December 1, 2024. The bill is in the Senate Rules Committee.

SB 5527: which would add additional courses to the list of courses approved as a graduation pathway option. The bill is in the Senate Rules Committee.

SSB 5617: which would require interdistrict cooperative agreements in a skill center to stipulate that any course equivalencies approved by OSPI or a host district must be honored by other participating school districts. The bill is in the Senate Ways & Means Committee.

SSB 5626: which requires OSPI to establish a grant program for expanding the capability of school districts to integrate media literacy and digital citizenship into public school instruction. The bill is in the Senate Ways & Means Committee.

SB 5647: which requires safe school plans to include how substitute teachers and other temporary employees receive necessary information, including school safety policies and procedures and the three basic functional drill responses. The bill is in the Senate Rules Committee.

SB 5650: which concerns salary inflationary increases for K-12 employees. The bill is in the Senate Ways & Means Committee.

SSB 5668: which would require OSPI to develop procedures that provide 1.0 FTE of funding to certain small school districts that send students to skill centers. The bill has passed out of committee.

SB 5710: which would create a grant program within OSPI to provide funding to educational service districts (ESDs) in order to offer students in rural areas access to a mental health professional using telemedicine. The bill is in the Senate Ways & Means Committee.

Odds and Ends:

This was a feel good article for me, from NPR Ed, Wishes for 2023. “My dream for human kind is for everyone to have homes. The homes would be nice. And the homes would have all of the resources they need. –Francis, 1st grade.

“When it comes to creating policy and changing the system to improve outcomes for students of color, being in the majority could be helpful.” This week from the Seattle Times’ Education Lab, Students of Color Are Now the Majority in WA Public Schools.

Meet CSTP’s Legislative Update Coordinator Samantha Miller

Samantha Miller returns as CSTP’s Legislative Updates Coordinator for the 2023 legislative session. She writes weekly emails during the legislative session focusing on bills that impact Washington educators. Samantha has degrees in both Political Science and History, as well as a Master in Teaching. Samantha has worked in Elementary Education for 6 years, most recently as a 3rd Grade general education teacher. The majority of her time is spent chasing around her two children who keep her very busy. Samantha enjoys running, working in her yard, listening to political podcasts, and spending time with her family.

Weekly Legislative Update – February 10, 2023

CSTP Updates

Legislative Update for February 10, 2023

Hello and happy Friday! This is the last week before lawmakers face their first legislative cut-off of the 2023 session. Next Friday, February 17, is the last day for legislators to pass bills out of committee in their respective house of origin, except for fiscal committees. Bills that do not make it out of committee are considered “dead” and will no longer be considered for any action during the remainder of session. The fiscal committee cut-off date is the following Friday, February 24.

 Although there were several bills that drew significant attention this week, SB 5505 and HB 1479, are worth highlighting. SB 5505, the highly anticipated, “balanced calendar bill,” aims to combat learning loss by adding 5 days to the traditional 180-day school year, as well as adjust the school calendar to get longer breaks spread throughout the year and prevent summer learning loss. According to OSPI, “A foundation of the balanced calendar is continuous access to food, instruction, care, and education resources, which research shows is especially important in preventing summer learning loss for students who may not have the benefits of travel, camps, and trips to the library.” 

HB 1479 would prohibit students from being subjected to isolation or restraint and its companion bill in the senate, SB 5559, also received a public hearing this week. The Seattle Times reported that in Washington, students with disabilities were exposed to restraint and isolation at higher rates as well as elementary school students who were disproportionately restrained and isolated at an age when they are still learning to regulate behaviors and emotions. HB 1479 is scheduled for executive session next Thursday, February 16 at 8am.

Education Hearings for Next Week on TVW.org

House Education Committee

  • Monday, February 13 at 1:30pm
  • Tuesday, February 14 at 4pm
  • Thursday, February 16 at 8am

Senate Early Learning & K12 Education

  • Monday, February 13 at 1:30pm
  • Wednesday, February 15 at 1:30pm

New Bills

HB 1749: which promotes instruction in public schools about the historical and cultural contributions of Filipino Americans.

SB 5692: which would increase the maximum per pupil limit for enrichment levy authority.

SB 5710: which would provide access to behavioral health services to youth in rural and underserved areas.

Bills We’re Following:

HB 1003: which would lower dual credit program costs for eligible students with financial need by creating a subsidy program, reducing per college credit fees for college in the high school students, and revising eligibility for the Running Start program tuition fee waiver, and would also make the Running Start program permanent to pilot institutions. The bill has been passed out of committee.

HB 1013: which would require OSPI and Washington ESDs to jointly establish a regional apprenticeship pilot program with one site each in Eastern and Western Washington. The bill is currently in the House Appropriations Committee.

HB 1015: which revises minimum employment requirements for paraeducators. The bill is in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Committee.

HB 1071: which would require OSPI to allocate state funding to school districts for one school resource officer (SRO) on each public school campus (hearing time 0:59 and 57:33). Testifying in support: representatives from the Chehalis SD, WACOPS and the WASPC. Testifying in opposition: representatives from the ACLU of WA, HEA, and a concerned citizen. 

HB 1109: which would provide additional special education funding to school districts in order to increase initial evaluations during summers. The bill is in the House Appropriations Committee.

HB 1113: which would require the Professional Educator Standards Board (PESB) to adopt rules for reviewing and vacating reprimands issued to certificated professional educators. The bill is in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Committee.

HB 1146: which would require schools to notify high school students and their families about available dual credit programs and any available financial assistance. The bill is currently in the House Rules Committee.

HB 1207: which aims to prevent and respond to harassment, intimidation, bullying, and discrimination in schools through updated policies and procedures. The bill is currently in the House Rules Committee.

HB 1228: which establishes grant programs for establishing or expanding dual language education programs and tribal language education programs and would establish multilingual skill bonuses for certificated instructional staff and paraeducators. The bill is in the House Appropriations Committee.

HB 1238: which requires public schools, beginning with the 2023-24 school year, to provide breakfast and lunch each school day to any requesting students and at no charge to the students. The bill has passed out of committee.

HB 1239: which would establish a simple and uniform system for complaints related to, and instituting a code of educator ethics for, conduct within or involving public elementary and secondary schools. The bill is in the House Appropriations Committee.

HB 1273: which would establish new and revised requirements for High School and Beyond Plans (HSBPs) that are a prerequisite for graduating from a public high school. The bill has passed out of committee.

HB 1277: which would establish rules to improve the consistency and quality of the implementation of the fundamental courses of study for paraeducators. The bill is in the House Rules Committee.

HB 1305: which would make changes to the requirements to initial student evaluations for special education and to the development and implementation of individualized education programs (IEPs) in order to improve access to a free appropriate public education for students with disabilities. The bill has passed out of committee.

​​HB 1308: which establishes a graduation pathway option that enables students to meet pathway requirements by completing a performance-based learning experience (hearing time: 41:59). Testifying in support: representatives from the SBE, BIAW, Central Valley SD, WSPTA, Rural Ed Center and Vancouver PS. Testifying in opposition: representatives from the WA Round Table. Testifying as “other”: representatives from OSPI, Lakewood Cares, Lake Washington SD and WSSDA. The bill is scheduled for executive session February 16 at 8am.

HB 1316:  which would lower dual enrollment program costs for eligible students from $65 to $42.50 per credit by creating a subsidy program, incentivizing reduction of per college credit fees charged to college in the high school students, and revising eligibility for the Running Start (RS) program tuition fee waiver. The bill has passed out of committee.

HB 1332: which would require all school districts to incorporate a tribal sovereignty curriculum into their social studies curricula by September 1, 2023, as well as require districts to consult with the nearest federally recognized Indian tribe(s) about incorporating materials about their history, culture, and government into their social studies curricula by September 1, 2025. The bill has passed out of committee.

HB 1377:  which would require the posting of approved courses and providers of continuing education. The bill is scheduled for executive session February 16 at 8am.

HB 1411: which would direct OSPI to distribute funding to school districts and institutional education providers to partner with community-based organizations that support students to offer cross-sector trainings on topics such as social-emotional learning, mental and behavioral health management, and teaching students to be peer mediators. The bill has passed out of committee.

HB 1478: which establishes a statement of student rights for public schools and requires public schools to develop student-focused educational and promotional materials that incorporate the statement and to include the materials into required civics instruction. The bill has passed out of committee.

HB 1479: which would prohibit students from being subjected to isolation, mechanical restraint, or chemical restraint by school staff, except for school resource officers under some circumstances, and specifies that existing isolation rooms must remain unlocked, and no new isolation rooms may be created, and, by January 1, 2024, isolation rooms must be removed or repurposed (hearing time: 59:44). Testifying in support: representatives from Disability Rights WA, several concerned citizens, PAVE The Arc of WA and OSPI. Testifying in opposition: a concerned citizen. Testifying as “other”: representatives from the Central Valley SD, WEA, WSPTA and PSE. The bill is scheduled for executive session February 16 at 8am.

HB 1504: which requires public schools, beginning with the 2024-25 school year, to provide daily recess for all students in kindergarten through grade 5, and grade 6 if the students attend an elementary school (hearing time: 1:00:42 and 1:31:25). Testifying in support: a concerned citizen, Issaquah HS, WEA, Renton SD, KC Play Equity Coalition and Ellensburg HS. Testifying as “other”: representatives from OSPI, WSSDA and WSPTA. The bill is scheduled for executive session February 16 at 8am.

HB 1550: which would establish the transition to kindergarten program to provide no-charge assistance to eligible children in need of additional preparation to be successful kindergarten students in the following school year (hearing time: 42:34). Testifying in support: representatives from the Yakima SD, a concerned citizen, the Spokane PS, Quincy SD and Concrete SD. Testifying in opposition: representatives from the WEA, Sammamish Montessori School, the Rural Ed Center, the Stevenson-Carson SD and North Mason SD. Testifying as “other”: representatives from the Walla Walla SD, West Valley SD and the AESD. The bill is scheduled for executive session February 16 at 8am.

HB 1565: which requires the development of an online platform for the recruitment and hiring of public school employees and establishes a teacher residency program (hearing time: 3:51). Testifying in support: representatives from PESB, WEA, Foundation for Tacoma Students, OSPI, WSPTA, WACTE, SWEA, Rural Ed Center and AWSP. The bill is scheduled for executive session February 16 at 8am.

HB 1609: which requires school districts to provide resources for the operation of school library information and technology programs and to ensure that each student has access to a library technology program that meets specified requirements (hearing time: 1:46:46). Testifying in support: representatives from the WLA, Capitol HS, Camas HS, Bellevue HS, Shoreline SD, OSPI and WSSDA. Testifying in opposition: representatives from the Kettle Falls SD. The bill is scheduled for executive session February 16 at 8am.

HB 1622: which aims to support the needs of students experiencing homelessness by aligning program goals, establishing common reporting requirements, and establishing examples of permitted expenditures for the OSPI program (hearing time: 1:08:23 and 1:24:00). Testifying in support: representatives from Building Changes, Council for the Homeless and the Lynnwood City Council. The bill is scheduled for executive session February 16 at 8am.

HB 1658: which would authorize high school students aged 16 and above to earn up to two elective credits through paid work experience if approval and alignment with the student’s High School and Beyond Plan are met (hearing time: 1:30:44). Testifying in support: representatives from the WFIA and WSPTA. Testifying as “other”: representatives from WSSDA, OSPI and SBE. The bill is scheduled for executive session February 16 at 8am.

HB 1701: which concerns basic education services to youth who are served through institutional education programs (hearing time: 35:37). Testifying in support: representatives from OSPI. Testifying as “other”: representatives from DCYF and WEA. The bill is scheduled for executive session February 16 at 8am.

HB 1710: which would use COVID-19 relief funding on high quality tutoring and rigorous extended learning programs. The bill is in the House Appropriations Committee.

SB 5019: which removes “classified staff providing student and staff safety” from the definition of physical, social, and emotional support staff and the specific funding considerations for that group. The bill is in the Senate Rules Committee.

SB 5020: which would lower the minimum age for compulsory school attendance from eight to six years old, and amend truancy provisions to align with this change, as well as require parents who homeschool to file an annual declaration of intent beginning at age 6. The bill is in the Senate Ways & Means Committee.

SB 5024: which would require school districts to post certain assessment results on their websites, as well as provide parents and legal guardians with certain rights regarding access to specified information and communication based on their preferences (hearing time: 27:26). Testifying as “other”: representatives from WSSDA.

SSB 5048: which would eliminate college in the high school fees. The bill is in the Senate Ways & Means Committee.

SSB 5054: which would modify instructional hours to include time students spend in educational activities under the supervision of non-certificated staff while teachers participate in professional learning communities (PLCs) as well as encourage school districts to adopt a school calendar that includes at least four hours per week for teachers to engage in PLCs during the school day. The bill is in the Senate Rules Committee.

SSB 5072: which would establish new requirements for identifying students who may be eligible for highly capable services, including conducting universal screenings once in or before second grade, and again before sixth grade. The bill is in the Senate Rules Committee.

SSB 5085: which would remove statutory limitations on the scope of collective bargaining in regards to supervisors, or principals and assistant principals, and would require specific evaluation criteria when transferring a principal/assistant principal to a subordinate certificated position. This bill would prohibit school district employment applications from including a question asking whether the applicant has ever been on a plan of improvement, or under an investigation. The bill is in the Senate Rules Committee.

SSB 5102: which requires school districts and school boards to provide every student with access to school library information and technology programs.The bill is in the Senate Ways & Means Committee and scheduled for public hearing on February 14 at 4pm.

SSB 5127: which would clarify school districts’ ability to redact personal information related to a student. The bill is in the Senate Rules Committee.

SSB 5174: which would modify the student transportation allocation formula and expand the definition of “to and from school” to include the transportation of students participating in career connected and work based learning opportunities. The bill is in the Senate Ways & Means Committee.

SB 5175: which would allow employment contracts between a school board and principal to be up to three years in length, as opposed to limited to a term of one year. The bill is in the Senate Rules Committee.

SB 5180: which aims to support the retention of teachers by removing barriers to licensure and creating a streamlined pathway to licensure mobility. The bill is in the Senate Ways & Means Committee.

SSB 5237: which would direct OSPI to establish procedures to investigate and address complaints alleging noncompliance with state laws regarding civil rights, certain curriculum requirements and student discipline. The bill is in the Senate Ways & Means Committee.

SSB 5243: which revises high school and beyond plan (HSBP) requirements, and would require OSPI to facilitate the transition and adoption of a common online platform for HSBPs. The bill is in the Senate Ways & Means Committee.

SB 5248: which would reappropriate COVID-19 relief funding for grants to be used on high quality tutoring and rigorous extended learning programs. The bill is in the Senate Ways & Means Committee.

SSB 5257: which would ensure that public schools provide daily recess for all elementary students with a minimum of 45 minutes when the school day is longer than five hours and a minimum of 30 minutes when the school day is shorter, as well as prohibit schools from withholding recess as a punitive action. The bill is in the Senate Rules Committee.

SB 5264: which would require paraeducators to receive a passing grade on a Paraeducator Board-approved assessment, rather than the Education Testing Service paraeducator assessment (hearing time: 1:00). Testifying in support: representatives from the WEA, PESB, the Rural Ed Center, AWSP and PSE.

SSB 5311: which would increase the special education excess cost multipliers for pre-K and K12 students over a four-year period and increase the special education enrollment funding cap from 13.5 percent to 14.5 percent. The bill is in the Senate Ways & Means Committee. 

SSB 5315: which would require OSPI to establish standards for approval, monitoring, and investigating school district contracts with nonpublic agencies (NPAs) operating special education programs for students with disabilities, and requires that restraint and isolation procedures and notification requirements apply to NPAS. The bill is in the Senate Ways & Means Committee.

SB 5355: which requires school districts to provide instruction on sex trafficking prevention and identification at least once between grades 7 and 12 beginning in the 2024-25 school year. The bill is in the Senate Ways & Means Committee and is scheduled for executive session on February 13 at 4pm.

SSB 5339: which would add free school breakfast and lunch to the state’s program of basic education beginning in the 2023-24 school year. The bill is in the Senate Ways & Means Committee.

SB 5408: which would establish the Ninth Grade Success Grant Program, which funds the creation of ninth grade success teams that can identify and support incoming high school students who are at risk of not graduating. The bill is in the Senate Ways & Means Committee.

SB 5441: which would require larger school districts to designate inclusive curricula coordinators and smaller school districts to work with their educational service districts (ESDs) to promote the development and adoption of curricula that is diverse, equitable, and inclusive. The bill is in the Senate Ways & Means Committee.

SB 5442: which would provide a per-pupil enrichment grant to charter schools in an amount equivalent to the state local effort assistance threshold: $1,550 per pupil. The bill would also authorize charter schools to apply for state grants on the same basis as school districts (hearing time: 29:00). Testifying in support: representatives from Rainier Prep, BESR, a concerned citizen, Summit Olympus Charter School and WI-HS.

SB 5462: which would direct OSPI to review and update relevant state learning standards at all grade levels to include the histories, contributions, and perspectives of LGBTQ people, and historically marginalized and underrepresented groups, by December 1, 2024. The bill is in the Senate Rules Committee.

SB 5505: which aims to address learning loss by expanding the mandatory number of school days for public K-12 schools from 180 days to 185 (hearing time: 45:53). Testifying in support: representatives from OSPI and WASA. Testifying in opposition: representatives from the Conservative Ladies of WA. Testifying as “other”: representatives from the WEA and WSSDA.

SB 5527: which would add additional courses to the list of courses approved as a graduation pathway option (hearing time: 49:25). Testifying in support: representatives from the SBE. Testifying as “other”: representatives from OSPI.

SB 5559: which would prohibit the isolation, mechanical restraint, or chemical restraint of students by school staff, including the phasing out of isolation rooms (hearing time: 55:32). Testifying in support: representatives from OSPI, ACLU, AASR, WSPTA, SSEPTSA, Arc of King County, CPI, several concerned citizens, Disability Rights WA, Seattle School Board, WFIS, PAVE and the SCPTSA. Testifying as “other”: representatives from the West Valley SD, PSE and the WEA. Crosscut has more on this: WA Bills Propose Initiatives to Bring Special Ed Students Back Home

SB 5626: which requires OSPI to establish a grant program for expanding the capability of school districts to integrate media literacy and digital citizenship into public school instruction (hearing time: 11:26). Testifying in support: representatives from OSPI, WLA, WSPTA, several concerned citizens, Capitol HS, Kent SD, CCI, AME and WSCSS. The bill is scheduled for executive session February 13 at 130pm.

SB 5647: which requires safe school plans to include how substitute teachers and other temporary employees receive necessary information, including school safety policies and procedures and the three basic functional drill responses (hearing time: 2:30). The bill is scheduled for executive session February 13 at 130pm.

SB 5650: which concerns salary inflationary increases for K-12 employees. The bill is in the Senate Ways & Means Committee and is scheduled for public hearing on February 14 at 4pm.

SB 5671: which would make experience factor adjustments for certificated instructional staff. The bill is scheduled for public hearing February 13 at 130pm.

Odds and Ends:

“When do we stop pushing for people to walk or talk in normative ways and instead acknowledge and embrace difference?” This week from MindShift: How Teachers can Disrupt Linear Development Models and Support Students with Disabilities.

“These students didn’t move out of state, and they didn’t sign up for private school or home school, according to publicly available data. In short, they’re missing.” From the Seattle Times’ Education Lab, Thousands of Kids are Missing from School. Where Did They Go?

Meet CSTP’s Legislative Update Coordinator Samantha Miller

Samantha Miller returns as CSTP’s Legislative Updates Coordinator for the 2023 legislative session. She writes weekly emails during the legislative session focusing on bills that impact Washington educators. Samantha has degrees in both Political Science and History, as well as a Master in Teaching. Samantha has worked in Elementary Education for 6 years, most recently as a 3rd Grade general education teacher. The majority of her time is spent chasing around her two children who keep her very busy. Samantha enjoys running, working in her yard, listening to political podcasts, and spending time with her family.

The Promise of 2021: The Irreplaceable Educator

Hopefulness is evident in celebrations all over the world. There is such hope that the New Year will bring a return to normal, a return to a less complicated time. Of course, we are more pragmatic than this. We know that the normal we once knew has changed, and we will take many of this year’s complications with us far into the future. That is the truth, and, well, that is how progress happens, too.

As educators, this is significant. Most teachers I speak to relate similar feelings. Their jobs have become so different, practically unrecognizable. “This isn’t what we signed up for,” is the common refrain. I’ve said it, too.

No, it is not what we expected, but it is what we have now. And it is a bit scary. There is a real danger of people leaving the education profession. However, change can be leveraged to solve problems. As educators, let’s unite to do this. Let’s make this next year the year we start a revolution in education.

REVOLUTION. Not renaissance, not pivot, not shift. Let’s flip this system.

This is not to be taken lightly. If we sit quietly and wait for normal, the entrepreneurs out there will convince the public that they can create products for online learning that are better than in-person teaching. They will market these miracles to the masses and this will be touted as ethical and equitable. Anyone with access to the internet can learn. Who needs teachers?

You may think, so what? Let them turn to online systems. But, if this year has taught us anything at all, it is the value of human connection. We teachers may be struggling to realize our value as purveyors of knowledge, but we know our true worth. It is obvious that we are invaluable when we are the ones coaching lonely youngsters through their studies, reminding them of their worth, laughing at their antics during Zoom meetings, and consoling them when their practices and games are canceled. That humanity is irreplaceable.

I treasure every moment of connection with my students these days. And I know that I am a better teacher for seeing the value of it. Because of this, there is no going back to normal for me. I don’t even want it to be the way it was. For me, the lifting of the veil revealed that all students need to feel safe, in control of their learning, and valued by their teachers and by the education system. That is the only way to move forward successfully.

For equity, for ethics, we need systems that honor the value of each individual. In light of this, I am reinventing my practice to put students clearly at the center, giving them more power in the process of choosing the learning they will do. I will involve them in the grading process, and I will work every day to ensure that they understand their worth.

I understand mine. And I know that every educator out there needs to see their worth, too. You are the connection. You are the humanity. You are irreplaceable.

Related Readings (Or, Why Is Lynne All Riled Up?):

The Pivot

We are pivoting, again.

Pivot? I keep hearing this word, and the famous phrase from The Princess Bride keeps running through my head: “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”

In the dictionary, pivot (v.) means to turn in place, as if on a point. Synonyms include rotate, revolve, and swivel. I get it, because what it means in a staff meeting is that yesterday may have been an in-person hybrid day, but now we are pivoting to fully remote teaching temporarily, due to a rise in cases of Covid-19 in our district. We are swiveling, changing direction, quickly without pause. We have done it three times this year, and it looks like we need to be prepared to pivot in the future. This is the new normal in education, shifting to meet the immediate needs of our students. Not a bad thing, in general.

However, I don’t want to merely pivot, at least the swivel variety of pivot. In business, a pivot is a true change of course. The product is not selling, so change the product or get a new one to sell. I’m feeling more like that. Students are failing in record numbers. Teachers and students are struggling with engagement and isolation. Not only is this a problem in itself, but it has also revealed and highlighted some troubling pre-existing conditions in education. (There are many, so I will leave you to imagine your favorites.)

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One Last Lesson: Mindfulness in Trying Times

I cannot begin to tell you how special my 2020 seniors are to me. I feel like writing them a mass letter of recommendation, pinning the hopes of the world on their amazing shoulders. They are the inspiration I need these days, because their cleverness, their resilience, their awareness, and their kindness are what we need to solve problems and hold each other up.

Last week I had one more online class with them to plan, and I had to make it matter. They have been my students since seventh grade. They’ve heard all my stories; they know all my opinions. I’ve presented them with hundreds of lessons on literature and composition. If I haven’t taught them a skill by now, it really is too late, right?

2020 Mossyrock Seniors in Junior High

Bell to bell. I like to fill my students’ time with learning, which makes me an exhausting, high-energy, way-too-intense teacher for some folks, but they know to expect my expectations. And we were going to learn on the last day, too.

What was the lesson they still needed? We had dedicated most of the last semester of their dual-credit composition class to “skills for success”. We brainstormed what successful adults had learned – outside of school. We compared that to their collective knowledge, and then they dug into some research to create projects to share with their peers to expand their knowledge in the homestretch. They created research papers, multimedia presentations, and blog posts (see them here), as individuals and groups. It was relevant, dynamic, timely, and successful. And, in the middle of it, the pandemic happened.

Some of the Girls (Photo Credit: Amy Fitzhugh)

So what was the lesson I still owed them? It is one I am working on myself, and one we all need, especially with the isolation and the unfamiliar challenges of distance learning. I announced that I (their least relaxed teacher of all time) was delving into mindfulness techniques to manage stress in these strange times. I have been reading about stress and mental health all year, and I had just attended our CSTP Happy Hour that focused on mindfulness with special guest Christy Anana. All of the signs led to this topic. This topic chose itself.

I let my vulnerability show, telling my seniors I knew my mindfulness skills were awful, and my “vibe” was not the sort that a mindfulness teacher would have, but I also knew that it was a skill for success that we had bypassed in our research. It was too important to leave out.

Some of the Boys (Photo Credit: Sage Pereira)

So, we watched some videos: an explainer on stress and the brain; some videos of a high school teacher who helps her students “arrive” through mindfulness; and a video that led us through a mindful minute. We discussed how we felt about it, how our conservative community would react if teachers started teaching mindfulness regularly, and how we could use it in our lives to stay grounded and present.

And, as usual, like every other time, these kids impressed me. They were amazing, and already better than me at mindfulness.

The Home Team (Photo Credit: Amy Fitzhugh)

So, at the end, I gave them instructions as to how to write their final reflection and submit their portfolios. There was an awkward pause. I struggled to find some witty way to say my final goodbye, and I failed.

I just said, “I’m going to let you go.”

Pause. Long pause.

“Are you going to cry Mrs. Olmos?”


That was the last lesson, the last gift I had to give those students. But, next year’s students, no matter what next year looks like, are going to get a more mindful teacher from the get-go.

One More for the Road (Photo Credit: Amy Fitzhugh)


How Our Brains React to Uncontrollable Stress

Harvard Researchers Study How Mindfulness May Change the Brain in Depressed Patients

The Mindfulness Skill That Is Crucial for Success

Arrive – A Mindfulness Minute

Mindful Minute – Beach

Christy Anana on YouTube

The Sexual Health Education Bill: Facts to Calm the Fear

Shannon Cotton

By Guest Contributor Shannon Cotton, NBCT

Senate Bill 5395, known as the comprehensive sexual health bill, was a hot topic in Olympia this Legislative session.  A few weeks ago I spent 90 minutes watching TVW listening to the state senators make comments about the amendments before a roll call vote which passed the bill 27 to 21. 

Legislators talked about constituents who  felt as if “government isn’t listening to what they want.” For every parent who wants to exercise their rights to control the sexual health education of their child another family desperately wants their children to have access to health-enhancing information. Shouldn’t our public school system make information accessible to all as long as provisions are made to allow a family to opt out if they wish?

As a National Board Certified health teacher with 16 years experience teaching sexual health to middle school students in Washington state, I have been fielding questions and attempting to help others understand what this bill means to student learning and overall student health. I have spent more hours than I care to admit trying to clear up misconceptions and disprove outrageous propaganda created to spark fear into parents on social media with information that are outright lies. 

Here are some facts about ESSB 5395:

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