The NBCT Effect

125_NBCT_SEALBy Tom White

According to a recent
by the Strategic Data Project out of Harvard University, National
Board Certified Teachers make an enormous impact on their students. To wit: “On
average, NBCTs outperform other teachers with the same levels of experience by
0.07 standard deviations in elementary math.” While that might mean something
to you, I was not the “numbers guy” in my family. That would be my brother
. Fortunately, the Strategic Data Project saw me coming and offered
this translation: “These effects are roughly equivalent to two months of
additional math instruction.”

If that’s true – and I have no reason to doubt Harvard
University – that means that the State of Washington is getting an enormous
bargain. Let me try to explain:

First we have to accept elementary math data as a proxy for
general teaching effectiveness. We also have to assume that the data can be
generalized from Los Angeles, where the study was conducted, to Washington,
which is where I live. I see no reason why we can’t accept either premise. So
we can presume that NBCTs in Washington are having a positive effect equivalent
to two additional months of instruction. Two months of instruction is roughly
20 percent of the school year, which means that NBCTs are 20 percent more
effective than their non-NBCT colleagues.

The average teacher’s salary in Washington is about $50,000.
Let’s assume for now that compensation is provided as an exchange for the
effect teachers have on their students. If NBCTs have a twenty percent greater
effect on students than non-NBCTs, it stands to reason that NBCTs are worth twenty percent more. If I’m not
mistaken, twenty percent of $50,000 is $10,000. Therefore, in a perfect world,
NBCTs should be earning $10,000 more.

They aren’t. In Washington State, NBCTs receive an annual
stipend of $5,090. There are currently 6,173 NBCTs in our state. Paying them each
a bonus costs us a little over $31 million. Obviously, that’s not nothing, but apparently
it’s only half of what they’re worth. Washington State is getting more than its
money’s worth. Twice as much.

That’s what I call a bargain. And it’s something worth
remembering as the legislative season heats up and lawmakers are looking for
stuff to cut.

4 thoughts on “The NBCT Effect

  1. Kristin

    Wouldn’t it be great to be able to negotiate every evaluation term and ask for the raise and the bonus you thought you deserved?
    Ahhhhh. That would be nice. But for teachers, it’s just a tragic joke.

  2. Tom

    Although I’ve spent my entire adulthood in education, I’ve heard about other jobs. And from what I understand, when people become significantly better at those jobs they get paid more. That’s how it works. I’ve never been a big fan of performance pay in education, mostly because I’ve never seen a performance pay model that takes into account the totality of what it means to teach.
    I believe NB certification is different. To certify, you have to meet ten to 15 different standards that encompass everything you do.
    When a study comes out like the one I cited above, it gives credence to the notion that NBCTs make a difference. It adds statistical evidence to what most NBCTs already know.

  3. Amethyst Hinton Sainz

    Thank you for squishing these numbers! Arizona is REALLY getting a bargain, then. Every district is different in compensation for NBCT’s. Some offer absolutely no extra compensation. Some offer it, but only for a year or two. I can tell you that in my next job search, I will be looking to see which districts reward teachers who take on and succeed at the NBCT challenge. For selfish reasons, of course. However, I now understand that an NBCT stipend is also a statement about how much a district values quality teaching and quality professional development.

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