Drumroll, please…

Images2 by CSTP staff

Great news! Stories from School: Practice meets Policy was named one of the BEST EDUCATION BLOGS for 2010 by Washington Post bloggers Jay Matthews (Class Struggle) and Valerie Strauss (The Answer Sheet).

Congratulations SFS bloggers Brian, Kristin, Luann, Mark, Rena, Tom, Tracey and Travis. We knew you rocked before, but it is nice to know that others agree!

And one other shout out to SFS friend and education blogger extraordinaire Nancy Flanagan. Nancy brought her wisdom here and helped SFS bloggers find their virtual voices back when SFS was just an idea. Nancy's blog, Teacher in A Strange Land, debuts at Teacher Magazine on Monday. Be sure to check in with her there.

Here's to 2010!

5 thoughts on “Drumroll, please…

  1. Terese

    There are a few things in this life that I can say, without a doubt, have never happened to me until now. I’ve never had such a rewarding job that allowed me to sit in the stands and cheer for such amazingly skilled teacher leaders. And until now I’ve never been called “Sparky.”
    Go team!

  2. Nancy Flanagan

    Can’t tell you how pleased I was to see SFS highlighted by Jay Mathews and Valerie Strauss! Jay’s annual list of hot bloggers gets picked up and dissected everywhere in the blogosphere–you’re certain to get lots of traffic, folks wondering what a bunch of NBCTs might have to say. You have a fabulous archive (let me say that again–fabulous) of diverse and thoughtful content. This is precisely what teacher leaders want and need: a national platform, a genuine voice. Bravo!
    As for my own role, it was akin to batting coach in the Cactus League exhibition season. Your general manager, Sparky Emery, deserves plaudits. And–unlike the Yankees–building your blogger roster was a matter of spotting fresh, exciting talent. Play ball.

  3. Tom

    The lineup is the order in which the batters bat. The bullpen is where the relief pitchers sit and visit while they wait to come in.
    But your point is very well taken, Travis. Our bullpen/lineup is strong and varied. I think the fact that we come from different places in life and different places in teaching makes this site interesting and compelling. And kudos to the good people at CSTP for their support and for trusting us with a piece of their website.
    It’s nice to be noticed, but scary to have to live up to it. So onward!

  4. Travis A. Wittwer

    Way to go team. It was your critical attention to policy matched with your knowledge of how the classroom really works that made SFS what it is. Well, that and Terese’s leadership and vision to make it happen. I feel like the line up (is that called “the Bull Pen”, Tom?) is wonderful. Keep the great writing coming and for everyone, be sure to send these posts on to others who live to think education!

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