Fun and Games with Teachscape

CatchBy Tom White

Last Monday night, many of us watched the Seattle Seahawks
beat the Green Bay Packers with a controversial touchdown pass. Then we watched
it again, and again and again. It was an interesting play; two “referees” saw
the same thing from pretty much the same angle, but while the guy on the left
saw an interception, the guy on the right saw a touchdown. (See Figure A) The guy on the left then deferred to his colleague and they ruled it a touchdown. It was immediately challenged by the Packers. So the refs went off the field to watch it again and talk about it. Three commercials
and 17 replays later, they came back onto the field and ruled it a touchdown.
Seahawks win, 14 to 12.

Four days later, on Friday morning, the faculty at my school
sat down to watch some very different film. We watched Teachscape videos. Our district is
complying with the new teacher evaluation system by using the Charlotte
Danielson evaluation model, and we’re using Teachscape to support it.
Consequently, we get to spend the majority of our professional development time
watching teaching videos and talking about whether the teaching is
unsatisfactory, basic, proficient or distinguished.

And let me just say this: there was easily as much
disagreement over how to score the teachers as there was over that Seahawks
touchdown. Easily. Even though the rubrics are written with clear language, you
could watch any of those lessons and find evidence to support two, or sometimes
three, different scores. I’d go so far as to say the margin of error is at
least one whole level. For every lesson that the “experts” labeled a three, our
faculty found evidence that could make it a two or a four. And so on. Not only
that, but our principal shared that he and his colleagues had the experience
during their trainings.

But while watching teaching videos and arguing about their
score might be fun, and while football – at least for most of us – is only a
game; getting a formal evaluation from your supervisor is serious business. In
other words, it’s all fun and games until someone gets fired.

Which is exactly what’s supposed to happen. Let’s not forget
that this evaluation system was essentially conceived as a way to make it
easier to get rid of bad teachers. It’s evolved into more than that, obviously,
but the original intent is still there. At some point, beginning next year, all
of us will have to sit down with our principal and find out, based on the preponderance
of evidence, whether we’re good enough to keep teaching. And for most of us, based
on what I saw last Friday, it could either way. Those of us who are “proficient”
could just as easily be “basic.” And vice-versa.

But of course, that’s not what will happen. Most principals;
the ones who either don’t have the nerve to place half their staff on a program
of improvement, the ones who don’t have the time to defend their evaluations against
challenges and appeals, and the ones who simply don’t want to have staff morale
crash down around them, will call nearly everyone “proficient.” They’ll give us
an overall positive rating, while selecting two or three areas in which
they think we could stand the most improvement, and label those “basic,” or maybe
even “unsatisfactory.”

ImagesAnd then three things will happen. First of all, those of us in the vast mid-section of that great bell curve that represents teacher performance will move slowly, yet steadily, to the right. (See Figure B) We’ll improve. We’ll focus on one or two areas in which we’re weak, our teaching will get better and our students will learn more. That’s a good thing. Secondly, those
teachers who are truly unsatisfactory
will either improve rapidly or leave rapidly. That’s an even
better thing. But despite these positive outcomes, the critics will howl.
Education reformers and newspaper editorial writers will look at all this "profeciency" and complain bitterly that
a system with so much potential has been rendered useless by principals afraid
to make the tough calls. And while they’re at it, these critics will also find
a way to blame the teachers unions. Just because. And while that’s not such a
good thing, it’s nevertheless a thing we’ve grown accustomed to. We’ll be fine. In fact, I think we'll be great.

ShoveOh, and about that Seahawks game. Was it a touchdown or was
it an interception? Neither. Just moments before “catching” the football,
Seahawks receiver Golden Tate shoved a Green Bay defender in the most egregious
display of offensive pass interference I’ve ever seen. (See Figure C) Even a “basic”
referee would have seen that and thrown a flag. These refs didn’t. These refs
were unsatisfactory, and now they’re gone. 

2 thoughts on “Fun and Games with Teachscape

  1. Maren Johnson

    Janette, I love your insight there about the power of watching video of our own teaching: when watching our own video, we really do get to enjoy two different perspectives–looking at the teaching with our own background knowledge, yet, because it is a video, being able to watch it with some detachment!
    Tom, as you put it, “those of us in the vast mid-section of that great bell curve that represents teacher performance” had better move to the right on your figure, because we are spending a completely enormous amount of time on this project! This week I am spending 2.5 days on PD related to TPEP in my district, 2 as sub release days, one-half as an early release day. Will all this effort be worth it? It better be, and, really, I think it can. It is a bit unique to have so many stakeholder groups both locally and statewide so on board and focused on a single issue, and it is an issue that can unite so many previously disparate areas of professional development.

  2. Janette MacKay

    What you’re describing highlights the complexity of what we do. Any decision we make in the classroom is informed by all of the history of that class, by our relationship with each student, by our knowledge of the subject matter, by our expertise (or lack) of different strategies and on and on. When one observes a teacher in action, the observer doesn’t know all that the teacher knows about those kids, or about how the teacher made any given decision. Conversely, the observer has the luxury of noticing things that the teacher may miss in the middle of managing students, supplies, and instruction. The differences in perspective can lend helpful insights, and they can also lead to false conclusions (either good or bad). It sounds like your group discovered that.
    One of the things I loved in National Boards was the opportunity to watch myself on video and see the lesson with both my “insider knowledge” and “outsider detachment” eyes. Then through out portfolios we are evaluated not just on the thoughts of an outside observer watching our video, but also on our own description and analysis of what is happening. I think both of those are important to a fair and helpful evaluation.

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