Strengthening the Teaching Profession: Ten Years

Icicle River taken by Mark GBy Mark

Teachers change the world. Teachers shape the future. Teachers make a difference.

Like so many well-intentioned platitudes, over time these can start to ring hollow. When I drove to Leavenworth in 2007 for the NBCT Leadership Conference (then known just as "Sleeping Lady"), I expected a little rah-rah, a little break in that long April-to-June stretch of constant classroom push. And maybe a decent meal in a part of Washington this transplanted Oregonian had never visited.

Instead of teachers change the world, teachers shape the future, teachers make a difference, I got something better. I was shown: Here is how teachers can change the world, here is how teachers can shape the future, and here is how teachers can make a difference.

As corny as it sounds, I left that conference feeling empowered

In the years since May of 2007 when my path led me to CSTP, I have been able to be part of more opportunities than I can count. Many I engaged in as a learner, and a few I've engaged in as a leader. I've learned how to advocate for teachers everywhere from my own front office to the capitol building. Along the way I gained tools to help build capacity and foster reflection among my colleagues. From my fellow teachers I have learned how to lead conversations, how to listen better, and how to focus on what matters. In all these experience, I've learned about my own power to be a part of strengthening our profession. 

No matter what, teacher-me-in-2013 was always destined to be a better teacher than teacher-me-of-2007. What cannot be quantified is simply how much stronger I am as a teacher, leader, and professional because of the opportunities CSTP has connected me to. CSTP has helped me see that changing the world can start with influencing my lunch room crew. CSTP has helped me see that shaping the future can be as simple as voicing my opinion about state policy to people who do, or perhaps don't, want to hear it. CSTP has proven to me that teachers are making all the difference here in Washington–sharing voices loud and clear to shape the future of our system and how it can better serve our students.

The future is bright because our profession is strong.

"Strengthening teaching one step at a time" is an apt tagline–it is what the organization believes and the story it enacts. Happy tenth anniversary, CSTP!

2013 cstp logo -- med

2 thoughts on “Strengthening the Teaching Profession: Ten Years

  1. Maren Johnson

    You hit on one of the key ways CSTP assists teachers: “Here is how teachers can change the world, here is how teachers can shape the future, and here is how teachers can make a difference.”
    CSTP’s help with the “how” has helped many teachers themselves strengthen the teaching profession!

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